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African swine fever
African swine fever (ASF) is a highly contagious viral disease of domestic and wild pigs that may result…
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What is ISPM 15?
ISPM 15 is the International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures No. 15—Regulation of wood packaging material in international trade. It represents the first international commodity based standard and sets out criteria for regulating wood packaging…
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Authors: Angus Robertson and Jenny Eather
Source: DAFF photo library
Removal of an impediment to trade provided a pathway for the cherry and summerfruit (apricots, nectarines, peaches and plums) industries to successfully compete in a large and growing market in China.
The value…
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Publication details
Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, March 2020
This report lists food that has failed under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme (IFIS).
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Risk food tests
We target and monitor food that poses a high or medium risk to public health. We test…
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Publication details
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, October 2017
This report details food that was found to fail under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme during the month. For full data on activity and compliance under the Scheme refer to the six monthly Imported…
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Authors: Lindsay Hogan, Caroline Gunning-Trant
Source: ABARES
The value of Australia’s farm production and agricultural exports have increased strongly over the past decade to $61 billion and $48 billion, respectively, in 2019–20. The National Farmers Federation (NFF) has…
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Date of issue: 16 April 2020Date of effect: Until further noticeReference Number: MAA 2020-03Attention:Approved certifying organisations and organic and bio-dynamic operatorsPurposeThe Organic Exports Program (the program) in the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment continues to…
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12 May 2016Who does this notice affect?Customs Brokers and Self Reporting Importers accredited for the Non Commodity for Containerised Cargo Clearance (NCCC) Scheme and Automatic Entry Processing for…
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18 April 2017Who does this notice affect? Plant importers who have consignments at the government operated post-entry quarantine (PEQ) facility at Mickleham.InformationThe department is aware of an issue…
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Do you know an organisation or individual who goes above and beyond in protecting our nation from exotic pests and diseases?Nominations for the Australian Biosecurity Awards open soon – now is the time to start thinking about a biosecurity champion you would like to nominate.The awards celebrate…
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