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The recent history of Australia's native forest management is rife with conflict. No one disagreed that the forests were important to us all. The stumbling block was the diverse range of opinions on…
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The Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service (AQIS) has received advice from the United Kingdom Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) outlining that the following requirements…
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Information for this profile is drawn from Australia's State of the Forests Report 2018 (SOFR). ABARES is in the process of updating indicators for SOFR with data up to or as at 2021. This forest profile will be updated with new data in early 2024.
Australia has 3.6 million…
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This criterion is concerned with two of the fundamental components of a forest ecosystem: soil and water. Forests are important for soil conservation because they contribute directly to soil production and maintenance, and prevent or reduce soil erosion. Forested catchments also provide and…
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This indicator measures the conservation status of nationally listed threatened forest dwelling species. Documentation of this information over time allows analysis of changes to species’ conservation status indicating the extent to which forest species biodiversity is being maintained.This is the…
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2 April 2024Who does this notice affect?This notice affects importers of fresh horticulture produce and brokers.What has changed?Import conditions are now published on BICON for the importation of fresh chilli fruit from Fiji (except the Island of Rotuma). Three (3) varieties of chilli fruit…
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