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Emergency measures are currently in place to manage the risk of the bacterial pathogen Xylella. Further information on these measures is available on the Xylella emergency measures webpage.Public consultation on the draft report for the pest risk analysis for bacterial pathogens in the genus…
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14 February 2018Who does this notice affect?Customs Brokers involved in the import of SF treated consignments from Italy into Australia.What has changed?Due to the increased risk of brown marmorated stink…
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25 March 2019Who does this notice affect? All importers and customs brokers who will be required to lodge imported cargo documentation to the department for biosecurity assessment during this planned…
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Do you work with newly imported sea containers or goods?
If yes, keep an eye out for exotic pests!
Serious pests can hitch a ride to Australia in and on sea containers and in imported goods.
Even the smallest bug can have huge impacts. They harm our food and fibre industries, environment, and…
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13 May 2019Who does this notice affect?All importers and customs brokers who will be required to lodge imported cargo documentation to the department for biosecurity assessment during this planned…
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6 May 2019Who does this notice affect? All importers and customs brokers who will be required to lodge imported cargo documentation to the department for biosecurity assessment during this planned…
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1 March 2019Who does this notice affect?All importers and customs brokers who will be required to lodge imported cargo documentation to the department for biosecurity assessment during this planned…
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17 July 2019Who does this notice affect?All importers and customs brokers who will be required to lodge imported cargo documentation to the department for biosecurity assessment during this planned…
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24 June 2019Who does this notice affect?All importers and customs brokers who will be required to lodge imported cargo documentation to the department for biosecurity assessment during this planned…
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24 October 2019
Who does this notice affect?
Industry stakeholders that are associated with imported goods subject to the department’s 2019-20 Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) seasonal measures – including vessel masters, freight forwarders, treatment providers, Biosecurity Industry…
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