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The Environmental Biosecurity Office is committed to meaningful connections with First Nations people to achieve better policy outcomes.
The Environmental Biosecurity Office champions First Nations perspectives across all our work.
Championing First…
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Publication date: 28 October 2024Fires in Australia’s Forests 2016–21 (2024) is a continental spatial dataset of the extent and frequency of planned and unplanned fires occurring in forest in the five financial years between July 2016 and June 2021, assembled for Australia's State of the Forests…
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Publication date: 15 December 2023Forests of Australia (2023) is a continental spatial dataset of forest extent, by national forest categories and types, assembled for the 2023 update of Indicator 1.1a for Australia's State of the Forests Report. It was developed from multiple forest, vegetation…
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2 December 2024Who does this notice affect?All vessel owners, operators, masters and shipping agents who represent international commercial and cruise vessels arriving in Australian territory.What has changed?Currently all waste discharged from international vessels is managed as biosecurity waste…
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The Australian Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has introduced AusTreat, a new pre-border biosecurity treatment provider scheme. AusTreat has replaced the Offshore BMSB Treatment Providers Scheme and sets the conditions for the regulation of pre-border biosecurity treatment…
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The information on the pages below will assist aircraft and vessel operators, the Australian Defence Force and visiting foreign forces when entering Australia.
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