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14 March 2024Who does this notice affect?All clients required to use Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry web-based applications during this planned maintenance period.All clients required to use the department’s Biosecurity Import Conditions (BICON) system during this planned…
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14 March 2024Who does this notice affect?Clients in the import and shipping industries—including freight forwarders, importers and customs brokers—associated with importing goods that require BMSB treatment during the BMSB risk season (goods manufactured in or shipped from target risk countries,…
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Weekly Australian Climate,Water and Agricultural UpdateKey issuesIn the week ending 13 March 2024, the Top End and northern and the interior of Western Australia received significant rainfall, and decent rainfall was experienced along the coastal east and tropical areas of Queensland.A lack of…
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14 March 2024Who does this notice affect?All clients lodging Self Assessed ClearancesInformationDue to scheduled infrastructure maintenance, the Import Management System (IMS) will be unavailable from 20:00 to 23:30 Friday 15 March 2024 (AEDT).During the above maintenance window, there will be…
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14 March 2024Who does this notice affect?Stakeholders in the import and shipping industries – including Biosecurity Industry Participants, master consolidators, vessel masters, freight forwarders, importers, customs brokers, and principal shipping agents – associated with the transportation or…
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Australia’s environmental biosecurity system is being enhanced through a range of projects, as part of the Environmental Biosecurity Project Fund (EBPF).Launched in 2018, the EBPF has an annual fund of $825,000 administered by Environmental Biosecurity Office. More than 48 projects have been funded…
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The Australian plague locust is a persistent seasonal pest affecting Australia’s agricultural industries. Locust numbers can build very rapidly under favourable conditions, and adult swarms can move up to 600km in one night. In high density outbreaks, locusts can cause severe damage to pasture and…
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The average price per hectare of Australia’s broadacre farmland increased by 131% over the last 10 years, according to the latest data from the ABARES Farmland Price Indicator.ABARES Executive Director Dr Jared Greenville said a relatively flat 2023 for farmland prices capped a decade of strong…
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13 March 2024Species: AllCountries: AllAttentionAllPurposeTo inform stakeholders that the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is conducting stakeholder consultation on the renewed Australian Animal Welfare Strategy (AAWS) between 8 March and 20 May, 2024.Key pointsThe Australian…
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8 March 2024PurposeThis Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to remind industry of departmental processes for authorisation of plant and plant product Requests for Permit (RFP), including requirements for out of hours authorisations and urgent/critical requests.Summary of changes and key pointsThe…
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