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11 October 2023
Who does this notice affect?
All importers of plants, cats and/or dogs who will be required to use the Post Entry Biosecurity System during this planned maintenance period.
The outage to the Post Entry Biosecurity System (PEBS) will no longer occur. The maintenance…
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The Australian Government is seeking expressions of interest to establish two research centres under Australian Forest and Wood Innovations (AFWI) to deliver innovative forestry research and development.
Assistant Secretary for Agvet Chemicals and Forestry Julie Gaglia said that the new research…
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11 October 2023
This Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to advise exporters of honey and apiculture products of planned outages for the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry’s (the department’s) Next Export Documentation (NEXDOC) system.
Summary of changes and key points
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ABARES Working Paper
Published: 1 February 2024
Authors: Linden Whittle and LY Cao
In 2021, along with numerous other countries, the Australian Government submitted its emissions reduction target to UNFCCC, committing Australia to achieving net zero emissions by 2050.
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List of approved countries for live freshwater ornamental fish (PDF 163 KB)
List of approved countries for live freshwater ornamental fish (DOCX 81 MB)
List of approved countries for live marine ornamental fish (PDF 164 KB)
List of approved countries for live marine ornamental fish (…
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Date of issue: 10 October 2023
Date of effect: Immediate
Reference Number: IAN 2023-06
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is applicable to any individual or entity that performs work for, or on behalf of, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. This includes contractors,…
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10 October 2023
Species: Livestock
Countries: All
Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council
Livestock Exporters
Meat and Livestock Australia
To inform exporters that the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has paused the deployment of…
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Western Australian avocado exporters have regained market access to Thailand. On 11 May 2023, the Director General of the Thai Department of Agriculture approved import conditions for Western Australian Hass avocados.
Western Australian avocado orchards and packhouses have been successfully…
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Australia’s sustainability credentials were on the world stage as part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)’s first ever Global Conference on Sustainable Livestock Transformation in Rome, Italy.
The conference provided a forum for FAO Members, producer organisations…
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