Applicant details Name Address Phone Email Request Indicate chapter, part, section and/or annexes Please provide the question/s for review by the NSAC Provide the reason for the question Please provide any support material demonstrating or clarifying the question/s. Any support material should also address whether the product and/or procedure is accepted by international country regulations, including reference to the specific organic standards and guidelines. Upload One file only.30 MB limit.Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods. Important informationQuestions and answers will be shared with industry once finalised.Some questions may be shared with industry for consultation via the departments ‘Have Your Say’ website. Any commercial-in-confidence information submitted as part of an application must be clearly marked. Where indicated, this information will remain with the department and the NSAC, and not be released to industry.Application procedureQuestion received and checked to confirm that all relevant information has been included.Notification to the applicant of receipt of their question will be provided.The NSAC will review the question and make recommendations to the department.The department will notify the applicant of the NSAC answer/s.Decision making processIn NSAC’s initial review of a question, they will only decide if the question is valid if it meets one or more of the following criteria (if yes, investigate further* if no, reject application):The question directly relates to Australia’s export standard being the National Standard for Organic and Bio-Dynamic ProduceThe question directly relates to the content of, or an interpretation of, the National Standard.The NSAC will provide the department (the administrator of the National Standard) with their recommendation to either accept or reject the question based on the above criteria.The NSAC will provide the department (the administrator of the National Standard) with their formal answer.The department will make the final decision, provide the answer to the applicant, and update the department’s website informing industry.Note: investigate further*Where the question is for a product/substance the criteria listed/outlined in Appendices M and N of the National Standard is used as a basis for decision making.Where a question is for a management practice, both the general principles and fundamental principles for organic/biodynamic are used as a basis for decision making.The NSAC will decide to accept or reject a question based on the above decision-making process.Please note: Both the department and the NSAC may request further information or clarification from the applicant during the decision-making process. Where this occurs, the applicant will be advised how long they have to respond to the additional request(s). Failure to respond within this timeframe will result in the application being deemed withdrawn and will no longer be considered. Submit