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Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, December 2016This fact sheet explains the group pest risk analysis approach and details the key points in the group pest risk analysis for thrips…
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20 May 2019 Who does this notice affect?Stakeholders in the import and shipping industries—including vessel masters, freight forwarders, treatment providers, Biosecurity Industry Participants, importers…
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17 May 2019Who does this notice affect?All clients required to use the department’s Cargo Online Lodgement System (COLS).Information:The issue causing an unscheduled outage to the departments’ Cargo…
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17 May 2019Who does this notice affect? All clients required to use the department’s Cargo Online Lodgement System (COLS).Information COLS is currently experiencing an unscheduled outage. This issue is…
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11 April 2019Who does this notice affect? All importers and customs brokers who lodged imported cargo documentation into the Cargo Online Lodgement System (COLS) earlier today, Thursday 11 April 2019…
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11 April 2019Who does this notice affect?All importers and customs brokers who will be required to lodge imported cargo documentation to the department for biosecurity assessment during this planned…
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11 April 2019Who does this notice affect?All clients who will be required to use the following systems.InformationDue to an unscheduled service disruption, the following systems were unavailable:Cargo…
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11 April 2019Who does this notice affect?This notice is of interest to all vessel masters and shipping agents who represent international commercial vessels for the purposes of Australian biosecurity…
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11 April 2019Who does this notice affect?All clients who will be required to use the following systems. InformationDue to an unscheduled service disruption, the following system are currently…
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9 April 2019
Who does this notice affect?
All importers of plants, cats and/or dogs who will be required to use the Post Entry Biosecurity System during this planned outage period.
Due to scheduled maintenance, the Post Entry Biosecurity System (PEBS), Approved Arrangement System (…
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