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The Victoria Hub (VIC Hub) is led by the University of Melbourne (UoM). The hub gives farmers and communities the tools to address the state's vulnerability to drought.
Video transcript: Victorian Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub (DOCX 114 KB)
The Australian Government is…
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The Northern Western Australia and Northern Territory Hub (Northern Hub) is improving the drought resilience of farmers, traditional owners, and communities in the tropical Top End and rangelands. The hub focuses on agricultural and forestry systems, and water management.
Video transcript:…
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The Tropical North Queensland Hub (TNQ Hub) is led by James Cook University (JCU). The hub supports farmers and communities in Tropical North Queensland to become more drought resilient.
Video transcript: Tropical North Queensland Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub (DOCX 114 KB)…
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The Tasmanian Hub (TAS Hub) is led by the University of Tasmania (UTAS). The hub builds the capabilities of farmers and rural communities to better prepare for drought. It brings together researchers, farmers, industry, natural resource managers and traditional owners to co-design and implement…
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The Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper, released in 2015, included a large number of initiatives and commitments by the Australian Government to strengthen Australia’s agriculture sector that were delivered over 4 years.
The White Paper was a $4 billion investment in Australian farmers and…
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The Southern NSW Hub (SNSW Hub) is led by Charles Sturt University. The hub supports farmers and communities from the Far West, Riverina, Monaro and the coastal plains of NSW to become more drought resilient.
Video transcript: Southern New South Wales Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation…
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The SA Hub is led by the University of Adelaide (UoA). It is a partnership between farmers, government agencies, traditional owners, industry and business.
The hub will help mixed farmers adopt innovative tools to become more drought resilient.
Video transcript: South Australian Drought…
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6 April 2021
Who does this notice affect?
All shipping agents or operators of maritime conveyances who will be required to report pre-arrival information during this planned outage.
To support system maintenance, the Maritime Arrivals Reporting System (MARS) will be unavailable from…
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6 April 2021
Who does this notice affect?
All users of the below systems:
Agriculture Import Management System (AIMS)
Import Management System (IMS)
Integrated Cargo System (ICS)
Maritime Arrival Reporting System (MARS)
Self-Assessed Clearance (SAC)
Due to scheduled…
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6 April 2021
Who does this notice affect?
Stakeholders in the import and shipping industries—including vessel masters, freight forwarders, treatment providers, Biosecurity Industry Participants, importers, customs brokers, principal shipping agents, and any other operators in the sea container…
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