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In response to the increase in the global movement of seeds for planting and associated phytosanitary regulation, the department held a workshop titled ‘The International Clean Seed Pathway’ on 7-8 June 2018 in Brisbane.
The objectives of the workshop were:
to provide a forum for seed producers…
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Emergency measures[expand all]What is Tomato mottle mosaic virus (ToMMV)?ToMMV is a member of the Tobamovirus genus:
It is transmitted through propagation materials (seeds, plants for planting,…
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Types of plant products applied to soils and plants Plant products commonly applied to soils and plants include fertilisers, potting mixes, soil conditioners, bioremediation agents and…
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The Department of Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is responsible for managing the biosecurity risks and consumer safety requirements relating to plant based products for human consumption (food, drink, medicine and therapeutics) imported to Australia.
This is administered…
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Government and industry share responsibility for managing the biosecurity risk associated with importing bulk grain. Risks are managed at each step of the import journey, from the offshore farm to the processing facility in Australia.
Find out how:
we assess the risks before issuing a permit…
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Imported bulk grain poses a high biosecurity risk. It can provide a direct pathway for exotic plant and animal pests and diseases that can…
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We’ve strengthened import requirements for live plants (nursery stock) to…
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Imported plant research material can introduce foreign plant pests and diseases that could be harmful to Australia’s environment, agriculture and economy. To protect against this risk, strict biosecurity measures are in place for importing live plants, including research material. An import…
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Objectives of this research strategy
The objective of this research strategy is to guide the investments in climate change research for agriculture under Filling the Research Gap in order to:…
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Dr Beverley Henry (Chair) is a Principal Research Fellow and consultant with the Queensland University of Technology and co-convenor of the Primary Industries Adaptation Research Network. Dr…
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