2 December 2016
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is of interest to importers of fresh lemons and limes sourced and exported from the United States of America.
Tariff Code: Lemons and Limes (0805.50.00)
What has changed?
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources is working towards a future compliance-based operating model to reduce interventions, increase efficiencies and offer cost reductions to exporters and importers of lemons and limes.
The program - Compliance Based Inspection Scheme, allows for eligible imports to qualify for reduced inspections once an importer has established a history of compliance.
Eligible products include only those that have not undergone Offshore Pre-shipment Inspection (OPI), are grown and harvested in the USA and imported via sea or air freight.
The pilot program will be automatically implemented and it presents an opportunity for compliant importers utilising clean pathways to be rewarded with fewer inspections on arrival. To qualify, Importers must pass 5 consecutive inspections on eligible lemon and lime produce.
Once an importer has qualified for reduced inspections, subsequent consignments will each have a one-in-four (25%) chance of being selected for inspection. Consignments that have qualified for this reduced rate and are not selected for inspection, will be released following the documentation assessment,
Brokers will be required to lodge the consignment in “Line Mode” into the ICS. Importers and exporters are not required to do anything additional.
The department’s Assessment Services Group (ASG) will ensure that eligible product is recorded and actioned appropriately.
Further information
The Compliance Based Inspection Scheme pilot program for lemons and limes will commence on Monday 5th December 2016.