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Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, August 2018
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The 2018 NSW and ACT Biosecurity Roundtable was held in Sydney, on 30 August 2018.
What we heard from participants
- Importance of continued and expanded community engagement across the biosecurity space to improve awareness and compliance
- Importance of ongoing efforts to deliver regulatory and legislative consistency across jurisdictions
- Recognition and need to gain social licences to undertake weed and pest research and control programs
- Need for ongoing research around and implementation of traceability schemes
- Need to review and engage with sectors outside of the deed processes in response contexts
The event was hosted by the National Biosecurity Committee together with the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, and Biosecurity and Food Security, NSW Department of Primary Industries and Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate, ACT Government.
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The 2018 Biosecurity Roundtable Program
The Biosecurity Roundtable Program consists of seven biosecurity roundtables in each state and territory (NSW and ACT are combined), two environmental biosecurity roundtables and a National Biosecurity Forum at the end of the year.
These events are an opportunity for biosecurity stakeholders to talk about biosecurity issues directly with Australian and state/territory government representatives, a wide range of industry members and producers together with environmental and community groups.
This year the theme for the program is ‘preparedness and response’, with activities on the day designed to seek input on:
- preparedness and response arrangements across a range of biosecurity activities
- gaps and possible solutions
- roles and responsibilities in preparedness and response
- successes and lessons learned
- trusted sources of information on biosecurity
Josephine Laduzko, Assistant Secretary, Biosecurity Policy and Response Branch, Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources opened the roundtable, outlining the day’s focus on participation and opportunities to meet colleagues across industry, community and government.
Commonwealth update
Dean Merrilees, Assistant Secretary, Compliance Controls Branch, delivered the Commonwealth Update. Mr Merrilees described the work done in the compliance control space which is responsible for international mail, cargo, vessel and traveller pathways policy.
As outlined in the Priorities for Australia’s Biosecurity system review report (2017) review report (2017), he emphasised that Australia cannot continue to do tomorrow what is being done today. As trade and international arrivals increase, biosecurity threats are also increasing through accidental inclusion or deliberate attempts to bypass biosecurity screening. While most biosecurity threats are picked up, 18 active responses were enacted in 2018.
As part of the ongoing response, $313 million funding is now in place. This will help develop Australia’s capacity to adopt new detection technologies, develop and foster a strong focus on innovation, analytics and intelligence, finalise emergency response deeds for aquatic animals and exotic production weeds, and complete the development of a National Priority List of exotic Environmental Pests and Diseases.
State updates
Australian Capital Territory update
Wendy Townsend, Chief Veterinary Officer, Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate, ACT, focused on six key areas:
- implementing effective modern biosecurity legislation
- improvements to existing legislation
- strengthening emergency preparedness and response including the establishment of a cross agency virtual biosecurity team, participation in training and exercises and developing an ACT Biosecurity Strategy
- closer collaboration with NSW Biosecurity including the NSW/ACT Memorandum of Understanding
- improve engagement with stakeholders
- continued focus on plant and animal health
The Australian Capital Territory Government is updating its biosecurity legislation to bring it in line with NSW and national frameworks, whilst tailoring it to the particular needs of the Australian Capital Territory. The draft bill will be introduced into the Legislative Assembly in late 2019.
Updates will also be made to the Pest Plants and Animals Act (ACT) focusing on declaration reviews including Tranche 4 of the National Noxious Fish list, nationally-significant exotic invasive ants, commonly intercepted high-risk species and selected established or kept species. The Animal Diseases Amendment Bill 2018 (ACT) will also improve traceability of stock in the ACT with the compulsory introduction of Property Identification Codes (PICs) for properties holding defined stock, the required use of approved permanent identifiers and all stock movements to be recorded in the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database plus related measures.
The ACT Government conducted Exercise Bee Prepared in April, setting up an Incident Management Team and a field surveillance team around a simulated Varroa mite detection. ACT officers also participated in Exercise BorderBridge.
Current plant biosecurity health measures include fruit fly surveillance traps around the Canberra International Airport which are run in conjunction with the NSW Government, as well as sentinel bee hive programs and training for staff in bee disease and pest identification. Movement restrictions are currently in place for materials which may carry citrus canker from the Northern Territory or Western Australia and Tomato Potato Psyllid from Western Australia. A community and industry awareness campaign is being run on Brown marmorated stink bugs.
The ACT Government also completed a Performance of Veterinary Sciences evaluation in June, an international audit run under the auspices of the World Organisation for Animal Health; the jurisdiction achieved a high score but some areas were identified as able to be improved.
New South Wales update
Bruce Christie, Deputy Director General, Biosecurity and Food Safety, NSW Department of Primary Industries (NSW DPI), welcomed a large audience to the NSW/ACT biosecurity roundtable event and noted that the number of attendees reflected the importance of biosecurity and food safety management strategies and the need for them to be based on cooperation and shared responsibility. The NSW Government is midway through its NSW Biosecurity Strategy 2013-2021 with outcomes to date summarised in the recently released NSW State of Biosecurity Report.
A key deliverable of the Strategy was the delivery of new legislative framework for the management of biosecurity risks in New South Wales. The Biosecurity Act 2015 (NSW) took effect on 1 July 2017 and replaced 10 biosecurity related Acts in their entirety and parts of four others. The NSW Act drew heavily on the Queensland framework and other jurisdictions such as Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania, resulting in harmonised legislation across the country.
The legislation is heavily underpinned by the principle of shared responsibility. This means a strong focus on engagement and education of the community and industry. To date, there has been a strong focus on schools and peri-urban communities. School-based work has included:
- collaboration with Costa Georgiadis from Gardening Australia livestreamed a “Biosecurity in your Backyard” educational event to 56 schools (with the videos available on YouTube)
- distribution of Biosecurity Warrior materials to 77,000 children at the Royal Easter Show
- publications, prizes and ongoing work to ensure that biosecurity continues to be developed for relevant curriculums
- development of a book with biosecurity stories called “Urban Feral Tales”, written by school kids, for school kids.
Training in the new legislation has been rolled out to authorised officers across NSW DPI, Local Land Services, Local Catchment Authorities and other agencies. To date over 100 workshops have been delivered.
Surveillance and reporting by the public is also a current focus and over the past 12 months has led to the early detection and eradication of significant biosecurity incursions including Brown marmorated stink bugs, Red imported fire ants and Yellow crazy ants. In addition, 30 reports over the last calendar year were investigated and either responded to or confirmed disease free.
NSW DPI is currently working to maintain Proof of Freedom certification from citrus canker in NSW, Australia’s largest citrus producing state
In March 2018, the NSW Government partnered with the Queensland Government to run Exercise Border Bridge, the aim of which was to provide a vigorous test of preparedness and response systems across both agencies in the event that two biosecurity incursions occurred simultaneously. The exercise highlighted existing strengths in the response as well as recommendations for improvements. NSW DPI continues to improve its emergency response capability with state government funding provided to deliver improved infrastructure, systems and training this year.
In conjunction with the introduction of relevant new technologies and investment in research institutes including the Elizabeth Macarthur Agricultural Institute (EMAI), totalling over $50 million, the NSW Government is aiming to maintain and improve biosecurity readiness. New developments such as the Aerotropolis create opportunities for business as well as pose challenges. Current planning is focusing on these developments in order to ensure appropriate biosecurity risk management is in place.
Future of biosecurity –surveillance, traceability and the Aerotropolis
The NSW and Australian governments and corporate partners are currently finalising planning for the development of the new Western Sydney Airport and the surrounding envelope. With the airport scheduled to open in 2026, the Aerotropolis precinct will be a significant economic boost to the economy of Western Sydney and NSW more broadly, and provide opportunities for time-sensitive air freighting of horticultural produce and tertiary food products into expanding markets across East and South East Asia.
Representatives from the NSW DPI, DHL and NSW Department of Industry spoke on traceability, business needs, and the development of a significant agri-business precinct and the roles they will play around the Aerotropolis.
Traceability and blockchain: where are we heading?
Jenianne Hall, Director Innovation, NSW DPI, presented on the potential utilisation of blockchain as a tool to assist in produce traceability. Current traceability systems are not expected to meet increasing expectations from consumers and supply chains around reliable food provenance, food fraud, and demands for faster information flows around biosecurity and food safety issues.
Blockchain, through its process of digitised representation of physical transactions, offers security of transaction data, both as a sequence and cryptographically. Its key benefits to primary industries supply chains are transparency, traceability and trust. Challenges do exist with its use including the addition of incorrect or fraudulent data and providing appropriate access to part or all of the blockchain, relevant to users’ access needs and privileges.
Commercial trials using the technology have been run by an increasing number of players. One example is Walmart in the United States on two agricultural products – mangoes, which is prone to listeria and salmonella, where the time taken to track the produce reduced from seven days to 2.2 seconds. In Pork originating from China, data was stored around origin, shipping and processing certification available as a QR code on each animal.
DPI NSW is collaborating with Data61 on a pilot program using blockchain to support supply chain traceability for cherries, citrus, abalone and rock lobster to deliver proof of provenance. Issues challenging wide scale adoption of blockchain include interoperability with already established government and commercial systems and developing sufficient scale of use. Cost benefits is also a consideration along the entire supply chain.
The adoption of blockchain will also require the review of policy, regulation and legislation as government responds to industry implementing change and driving technological adoption.
A question from an attendee raised why non-food imports such as flowers or seeds which may pose biosecurity risks, were not included in the trials. Ms Hall responded that current trials are focused on Australian product for domestic or export use, only but the potential for off-shore implementation exists.
Freight Industry Perspectives
Ben Somerville, Senior Manager, Customs & Regulatory Affairs, DHL and Council member, Conference of Asia Pacific Express Carriers, presented on the small air cargo transport sector. The sector is constrained by the tension that exists between regulatory requirements and trade facilitation; dealing with small cargo users who are often consumers with little or no understanding of biosecurity and compliance requirements brings risk.
Initiatives to reduce risk include efficient use of data such as the provision of supporting documentation prior to arrival to allow for risk assessment and response (if required), and the better categorisation of products.
DHL works closely with regulators, including having biosecurity officers on site at their depots. A new class of approved arrangements (AA class 14.3) has been developed, where non-biosecurity staff can open and assess some commodities for release such as artworks, with potential expansion of these arrangements under investigated.
The ‘final mile’ delivery movement is a complex issue as most deliveries are into residential spaces. Networks of drop-off points, or service hubs are being explored which do raise some potential risks and the need for evolving real time provenance data.
Creating a world class agribusiness precinct
Kylie Bell, Executive Director, Trade and Investment, NSW Department of Industry, provided an overview of the project and opportunities associated with the Western Sydney Airport and Aerotropolis project.
Expected to become the freight logistic hub for Sydney, current planning will see the airport surrounded by nine precincts with direct access to the airport and associated transport infrastructure. An agricultural precinct is planned to produce horticultural, poultry, dairy, and aquaculture products, as well as house thoroughbred breeding and food processing and manufacturing facilities with the aim of air freight provision globally from the precinct within a 36-72 hour window.
In addition to potential land use such as a high tech greenhouse park supported by integrated carbon neutral energy production, current planning also includes education and training hub and research facilities within the precinct.
It is also recognised that the development requires two way biosecurity management arrangements with research and adoption of new and emerging technologies to support evolving supply chains and logistics demands. The NSW Government is currently focused on planning and wide consultation with the agri-business sector.
How do the emergency response deeds work?
Claire Hollis, Assistant Director, Response Policy Section, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources provided an overview of Australia’s national emergency response deeds and agreements, which include the Emergency Animal Disease Response Agreement (EADRA), the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed (EPPRD) and the National Environmental Biosecurity Response Agreement (NEBRA). Ms Hollis explained the purpose of the deeds, the triggers and decision making processes, and the ability for industries to access response funds under the deeds and reimburse the Commonwealth Government through levies over time. The national deeds/agreements complement industry and state arrangements as they are only activated in circumstances where eradication of a pest or disease is:
- technically feasible
- cost beneficial, and
- In the national interest.
The department is currently leading development of an Exotic Production Weed Deed and Aquatic Animal Deed.
Attendees asked a number of questions including for what period of time did the National Biosecurity Communication and Engagement Network (NBCEN) disseminate information on an outbreak. Ms Hollis explained that their role is not indefinite and is largely focused on setting up communications.
The roles that community can play during the development of a new deed and as part of a response was raised. Ms Holllis replied that community engagement is very important, particularly in response where surveillance by the community is critical – work is underway to better link with existing community networks. As the deeds are tied to industry, mechanisms for community are limited, however it is being reviewed as part of NEBRA.
A question was also asked about the role of ‘perpetrators’ of incursions who may not be covered by the deed, leaving the producer groups to carry the cost of response. Department of Agriculture and Water Resources officers outlined that risk creators, though not a formal part of deed arrangements, are increasingly contributing with the introduction of measures such as the announced biosecurity imports levy and evolving cost recovery frameworks.
National Biosecurity Statement
Bruce Christie introduced the National Biosecurity Statement (NBS), which is being currently being developed with industry, environmental and community groups and the public.
Mr Christie gave a short history of the development of biosecurity policies and structures in Australia from the Quarantine Station at Manly in 1832 to the Beale review with its emphasis on One Biosecurity, through the two iterations of the Intergovernmental Agreement on Biosecurity review report leading to the development of a National Biosecurity Statement intended to foster community-wide understanding and ownership of Australia’s biosecurity system, providing a common understanding, shared goals, principles, roles and responsibilities, and accountability.
Mr Christie then led table based exercises on the roles and responsibilities component of the statement. He asked participants to discuss their roles in the biosecurity system and in improving its efficiency, the concept of stewardship, the roles and responsibilities of major institutions, the benefits of an agreed set of roles and responsibilities for system participants and how we can measure if they are meeting these obligations. He also strongly encouraged attendees to engage with the public consultation, emphasising that the statement has to be built on participation and universal understandings of responsibility and obligation.
Discussion on the NBS was positive on the day, with feedback suggesting how biosecurity system participants can utilise and promote the NBS once it has been finalised. Other common themes discussed included ensuring the target audience for the NBS is clearly identified and how the ‘call to action’ will be an important aspect in the overall success of the messaging within the NBS.
Public consultations on the NBS closed at the end of October. The department will present the final version at the National Biosecurity Forum on Thursday 29 November.
Preparedness and response
Amber Parr, Director, Industry and Community Engagement section, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources facilitated this workshop which set out to discuss, share and analyse preparedness and response knowledge across the biosecurity space.
The discussions and notes from the workshop are expected to assist in the development of policy and resources, improve the understanding of other sectors’ roles and support the maturity of the response to the public consultation around the NBS.
Fifteen tables were given table topics—anticipate, prevent, prepare, detect, respond and recover/adapt—and asked to discuss and note on table worksheets the activities, roles and processes currently in place relating to their table topic as well as emerging issues.
They were then asked to identify six key activities, plans or policies to report back on to the room and add to a wall chart. This provided a quick and visually striking representation of role and responsibility allocation on the day.
The figure below shows a breakdown by topic and responsible sector of all the activities, plans or policies that participants noted from both the wall chart and the table worksheets. In some cases, the same point repeats across sectors as the responsibility was seen as shared. If no activities, plans or policies were recorded for a sector, it is shown as blank.
As the responses to this exercise are affected by the table groups, and who was present at the meeting, this is not a representative snapshot of biosecurity knowledge in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. It does however show that participants see the state government as overwhelmingly responsible for a broad range of biosecurity activities.
Community, environmental and research groups appear to be either underutilised or under-represented as active system participants. Alternatively, the roles of these groups were poorly understood or recognised by those in the room. Commercial operators, though potential risk generators were rarely identified as playing any role in the biosecurity system.
Panel: Roles and responsibilities
Chaired by Ms Laduzko, a panel of four representatives from Australian and NSW governments, industry and the environment sectors gave short presentations on their roles and responsibilities and overviews on current biosecurity activities.
Andreas Glanznig, Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS) described the work of origins of CISS which is currently operating as a not-for-profit company maintaining a research and development agenda with a focus on pest incursions and response. CISS is developing a 10 year weed investment plan and building strategies around stakeholder engagement and the distribution of relevant technologies.
Rick Hawe, Assistant Secretary, Inspection Services – East Branch, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources outlined the work undertaken within inspection services which includes audit processes, inspections, and science services such as entomology, plant pathology and Northern Australia Quarantine Service (NAQS). Current challenges the area faces include how to mobilise and optimise staffing capacity as the nature of biosecurity risks change. The adoption of shared responsibility has seen the system mature, however community engagement remains challenging to have in place prior to an incident. Offshore mitigation work plays a significant role in reducing risks at the border but planning must be in place if and when an incursion occurs.
Bruce Christie, NSW DPI reiterated the NSW government’s commitment to national processes as pests, diseases and weeds do not respect borders. Outlining that our federated political structure requires that all jurisdictions work together, particularly in an emergency, Mr Christie reinforced the importance of nationally consistent policies and procedures. NSW DPI is supporting this work by taking on leadership of national committees.
Michael Danelon, Nursery & Garden Industry NSW & ACT (NGINA) described the role of NGINA as the peak nursery industry body in New South Wales, delivering established national biosecurity projects such as BioSecure HACCP (an on-farm biosecurity program for production nurseries). His role is to provide support and information to members in case of response, highlighting the importance of industry organisations engaging producers as well as understanding and engaging with both community and industry across ornamental and food production plants.
The panel session was then opened to questions and comments from the floor.
A number of questions had been raised as part of the Preparedness workshop, including how do we communicate with dispersed groups? For example, in the occurrence of a plant incursion, while there are production impacts, how is communication with retailers, supply chain players and the wider community managed? Mr Hawe outlined that responses have improved based on recent experience, but there has been a too heavy reliance on peak industry bodies and the Australian Government, assuming that messaging will trickle down. Work is being done to broaden messaging.
Mr Christie described successful communications with industries who are deed signatories, but outlined the challenges that remain with regard to:
- finding industry staff able to start immediately in state control centres during incidents
- the retention of trained staff even as the NSW DPI continues to provide training.
Communication with industries that are not deed signatories is also a challenge and can have impacts on incursion responses. Issues in identification and response within the supply chain space was also raised, with the Australian Government recognising that there are shortfalls in providing timely information.
Mr Danelon believes that producer members in the nursery industries are well trained and prepared but there are there are avenues of supply from backyard providers who do not follow plant hygiene guidelines. This is best solved by educating the community to see benefit in sourcing plant materials from ‘safe’ suppliers and to do risk mitigation work in their own gardens. There is also a need to support industry with nationally consistent policies and procedures.
Mr Glanznig described communication problems with the recent white spot incursion; engagement with industry was good however there were opportunities to better engage with recreational fishers. Additional work needs to be done to reach this group and the aquatic community generally via campaigns to sensitise and educate through a coherent engagement approach.
An example of the cane toad awareness and pest identification campaign in Western Australia was provided, which lead to the identification of a spiny Asian black toad by a member of the public who understood that looking for difference was a key pest identification tool.
Ms Laduzko raised that cohorts exist who wish to be engaged, particularly with identification and reporting skill sets which also needs to be addressed. Satendra Kumar from NSW DPI noted that this is an ongoing challenge in the plant space. AUSVEG does good work with industry but home gardeners are not being reached; hence NSW DPI’s focus on school programs and children.
Emily Staniforth of NSW DPI described the campaign to trace potential citrus canker infected materials. Using geographically targeted social media, users within a prescribed distance of sale points were identified and provided relevant content. Mr Kumar also raised that opportunities exist with blockchain and other emerging technologies as a means to improve traceability.
The panel was asked about removing registration fees for beekeepers (as Queensland and Victorian Governments have done) as a mechanism for improving engagement with backyard apiarists. Mr Christie responded that NSW DPI has kept the fee, as they believe it allows the delivery of a better service.
Bee registrations had reportedly increased significantly after a recent campaign. A compliance system is required to manage people who refuse to register hives and NSW DPI will continue to work with industry bodies and beekeepers.
Bob Makinson from the Australia Network for Plant Conservation asked about current preparedness around new diseases of native plants, acknowledging that the impact of plant diseases and pathogens can’t always be foreseen. Mr Christie outlined current work to improve our understanding of environmental biosecurity risks and needs following the Priorities for Australia’s Biosecurity system review report (2017). This includes using the NSW DPI plant diagnostic division, relationships with university research projects and the national work of the Environmental and Invasives Committee. Genetic variations as occurred with myrtle rust also causes response delays as previous response methods may not work in the Australian context; linkages to work done around production pest and disease will offer benefits. Mr Glanznig reiterated that the 2017 review report acknowledged environmental biosecurity as ‘the poor cousin’ in the system and that tasks such as a gap analysis and addressing the Convention on Biological Diversity need to be prioritised.
Mr Danelon raised that species are often endemic to regions, and knowledge about disease response is often lacking. There is scope to test samples overseas or in infected locations with appropriate controls. This will require follow-up with educational campaigns around containment once established.
A question was then asked on the role and progress of current work to develop an environmental plant pest and disease list. Ms Laduzko explained that ABARES had been commissioned through National Biosecurity Committee (NBC) to develop the list which is currently underway. Such lists are used to raise awareness and build contingency planning; particularly vital when developing common responses that work across species to ensure efficiencies and improved outcomes. This list will also need significant community outreach in its development and delivery phases.
The issue of responses to varying or multiple strains of diseases or pathogens which differ from already established strains (as occurred with myrtle rust) was raised. Mr Kumar replied that strains can be quickly identified but the effects may not be understood. With the recent citrus canker incursion, the strain, pathogen and transmission process was quickly identified. Mr Christie explained that response variability can also be seen in animals where different strains impact the one animal. Ms Laduzko also noted that current import restrictions apply to some strains of a disease only. Mr Hawe posed whether we should optimise post entry facilities to also test the response of Australian species to diseases, as well as the future impact of climate change, replicating grain diseases not yet present in Australia to pre-empt issues and develop response planning.
A question was then asked about the current criteria for assessing a plant as a weed. The participant asked whether having plants on a property (even if they are declared weeds) was better than having no plants at all. Mr Christie stated that context is important as well as existing national and state processes to determine weed status. Weed classification also impacted by production needs, vector distribution mechanisms and economic impacts. Mr Christie offered to follow up and Mr Danelon and Ms Laduzko encouraged the attendee to register for the Australasian Weeds Conference, which was held in Sydney two weeks after the Biosecurity Roundtable.
Andrew Cox from the Invasives Species Council asked about the role of community in granting social licence at a time when there is increasing push back, providing the examples of the Victorian Government’s decision not to remove trees infected with giant pine scale (in order to save the vegetation), and increased scrutiny around the use of 1080 poison baits as part of feral pest control programs. Mr Glanznig outlined some of the challenges that CISS is facing around the latest release of calicivirus which is the first major biological control agent release of the digital age in Australia. Social media has seen a small number of people magnify their messages and, in conjunction with unsubstantiated news, CISS has found itself working in contested space.
Whilst governments and industry are better at working together, the community dimension is missing, and there is a need to ensure genuine consultation as new biological controls magnify the need for social licence. Mr Glanznig saw the recently developed Queensland biosecurity strategy as having achieved a high standard in legitimising community engagement processes and collaborative governing. Ms Laduzko acknowledged that community and the gaining of social licence is more fractured than previously, leaving government and biosecurity players to ask whose social licence is relevant and how broadly must it apply. Mr Glanznig also raised growing community interest in animal welfare which has included concerns about the welfare impact on carp with the release of the carp virus; this would not have been a community issue ten years ago. Mr Christie also acknowledged that past techniques used to manage feral pests may now be controversial. The Biosecurity Warriors program educates the community about why we need to manage these issues and the reasoning behind the decision making.
A question was asked on current border measures for new diseases such as African swine fever. Mr Hawe explained that they are often difficult to control at the border, and should be part of a revision of overseas verification, supported by cost recovery arrangements around non-compliance. Mr Merrilees noted that long term assessments of incursion pathways has shown an increase in criminal fraud requiring additional resources around intelligence and analytics and more aggressive compliance activities based on entity behaviours and profiles rather than country of origin or commodity. Ms Laduzko raised that it is also important to engage with the social and economic drivers that may encourage non-compliance.
Incentivising people for efficient compliance processes was raised with Ms Laduzko responding that the current regime is based on cost recovery which then generates a trade-off for the Australian Government.
The final question of the day focused on the current monitoring arrangements for sentinel hives around airports as part of Varroa mite detection activities if the vectors are not honey bees, but other species such as Asian bees. Mr Hawe explained that vector monitoring of particular insect types are in place, and invited the questioner to email the department for a more detailed response.
Ms Laduzko closed the roundtable, thanking the attendees for their times, engagement and ideas on behalf of the NSW DPI, Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate, ACT and the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources. Please contact the Biosecurity Roundtable Secretariat if you require any further information, templates for the Biosecurity information survey or the National Biosecurity Statement. Contact details are Biosecurity Roundtable or phone 1800 068 468.
Biosecurity Information Survey
Thank you to participants who completed the biosecurity information survey.
Initial analysis of the completed surveys highlighted the primary role of industry groups or associations and the state government as sources of biosecurity information at 11.9% and 13.4% respectively. Peers were also identified as a significant source of information at 9.6%.
Twenty three per cent of respondents access information via emails or newsletters, with 26.9% also using face to face contact and only 7.4% accessing information sent by post.
Full results will be reported on at the National Biosecurity Forum in November 2018.
The survey is available for organisations or industry bodies to run with their own members – please contact the Biosecurity Roundtable Secretariat and we will email templates to you Biosecurity Roundtable or phone 1800 068 468
612 invitations were sent out to organisations, groups or individuals (excluding state and Commonwealth government staff), with NSW DPI also advertising the roundtable via social media. 99 participants (in bold) attended, representing a wide range of organisations including:
- Abalone Council of NSW Ltd
- ABG International
- Aboriculture Australia
- Aboriginal Affairs NSW
- Accord
- Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing
- Agricultural Societies Council of NSW
- Agrology
- Almond Board of Australia
- Amateur Beekeepers Association of NSW
- Angus Australia
- Animal Health Australia
- Animal Liberation NSW
- Animal Medicines Australia
- Antico International Pty Limited
- ANZLAA (Aust and NZ Laboratory Animal Association)
- Apple & Pear Australia Ltd
- Aquaculture Research Advisory Committee (DPI)
- Aquarium Industries Pty Ltd
- Arabian Horse Society of Australia
- Artis Group Pty Limited
- Associated Bird Keepers of Australia Inc
- Auscitrus
- AusPrunes
- Austock Rural
- Australasian Alpaca Breeders Association
- Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc
- Australasian Railway Association
- Australia New Guinea Fishes Association NSW
- Australia Truffle Growers Association
- Australian Agricultural Crop Technologies
- Australian Airports Association
- Australian Almonds (Almond Board of Australia)
- Australian Association of Bush Regenerators
- Australian Association of Pet Dog Breeders (AAPDB)
- Australian Bananas Growers Council
- Australian Beef Association
- Australian Beverages Council Limited
- Australian Blueberry Growers' Association
- Australian Buffalo Industry Council
- Australian Bushmen's Campdraft and Rodeo Association
- Australian Campdraft Association
- Australian Cattle Veterinarians
- Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
- Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Australian Chicken Growers Council
- Australian Chicken Meat Federation
- Australian Companion Animal Council (ACAC)
- Australian Conservation Foundation
- Australian Corriedale Association Inc
- Australian Custom Harvesters
- Australian Dairy Farmers / Australian Dairy Industry Council
- Australian Duck Meat Association|Pepe's Ducks Limited
- Australian Egg Corporation
- Australian Eggs
- Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre
- Australian Farm Institute
- Australian Federation for Livestock Working Dogs
- Australian Federation of International Freight Forwarders
- Australian Feral Animal Control and Management Services
- Australian Fertiliser Services Association
- Australian Finger Lime Company Pty Ltd
- Australian Fisheries Management Authority
- Australian Flower Council
- Australian Fodder Industry Association Ltd
- Australian Food and Grocery Council
- Australian Forest Growers
- Australian Forest Products Association
- Australian Game Meat Producers Association
- Australian Herb and Spice Industry Association
- Australian Herpetological Society
- Australian Honey Bee Industry Council
- Australian Horse Industry Council
- Australian Horticultural Exporters’ Association
- Australian Independent Cat Council
- Australian Institute of Horticulture
- Australian Institute of Local Government Rangers (NSW)
- Australian Livestock & Property Agents Association
- Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association (ALRTA)
- Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council
- Australian Livestock Markets Association
- Australian Logistics Council
- Australian Lot Feeders' Association
- Australian Lychee Grower's Association
- Australian Macadamia Society
- Australian Mango Industry Association
- Australian Meat Industry Council
- Australian Meat Processor Corporation
- Australian Melon Association
- Australian Museum
- Australian Mushroom Growers Association
- Australian National Cats Inc. (ANCATS)
- Australian National Kennel Council (ANKC) - national
- Australian National Pigeon Association
- Australian National Rabbit Council
- Australian National Racing Pigeon Board Inc
- Australian National University (ANU)
- Australian Native Food and Botanicals
- Australian Network for Plant Conservation Inc.
- Australian Nut Industry Council
- Australian Oilseeds Federation
- Australian Olive Association Ltd.
- Australian Organic
- Australian Organics Recycling Assoc. Ltd
- Australian Pecan Growers Association
- Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority
- Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association
- Australian Pig Doggers and Hunters Association
- Australian Plantation Products and Paper Industry Council
- Australian Plants Society of NSW
- Australian Poll Dorset Association Inc
- Australian Pork Limited
- Australian Poultry Industries Association
- Australian Prawn Farmers Association
- Australian Processing Tomato Research Council Inc.
- Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
- Australian Quarter Horse Association
- Australian Queen Bee Breeders Association
- Australian Racing Board
- Australian Registered Cattle Breeders’ Association
- Australian Renderers Association Inc
- Australian Rural Leadership Foundation
- Australian Seabird Rescue
- Australian Seed Federation
- Australian Self Medication Industry
- Australian Sheep Veterinarians
- Australian Show Rabbit Council
- Australian Stock Horse Society
- Australian Stud Sheep Breeders Association Ltd
- Australian Subtropical Coffee Association
- Australian Table Grape Association Inc.
- Australian Tea Tree Industry Association
- Australian Timber Importers Federation
- Australian Tourism Export Council
- Australian Trucking Association
- Australian Truffle Grower's Association
- Australian Veterinary Association
- Australian Walnut Industry Association
- Australian Wildlife Health Network
- Australian Wildlife Services
- Australian Wine Research Institute
- Australian Wool Exchange
- Australian Wool Growers Association
- Australian Wool Innovation Ltd
- Australasian Wildlife Management Society
- Aviagen ANZ
- Aviagen Australia
- Avocados Australia
- Baiada Poultry
- Bananas NSW
- Batlow Fruit Co-operative Ltd
- Bega Cheese
- Ben Furney Flour Mills
- Biosecurity Advisory Committee - NSW
- Black & Coloured Sheep Breeders Association of Australia (NSW) Inc
- Board of Airline Representatives of Australia
- Boer Goat Breeders Association of Australia
- Bondi Lab
- Botany Catchment Alliance
- Bushwalking NSW
- Campbells Wines
- Campbelltown City Council
- Capricorn Pastoral
- Casella Family Brands
- Cat Protection Society of NSW
- Cattle Council of Australia
- Central Coast Herpetological Society
- Central Cumberland Racing Pigeon Federation
- Central NSW Councils
- Central Tablelands Local Land Services
- Central Tablelands Water
- Central West Environment Council
- Central West Local Land Services
- Centre for Invasive Species Solutions
- Charles Sturt University
- Cherry Growers Australia
- Chestnuts Australia
- Chinese Vegie Growers Association of NSW
- Circus Federation of Australia
- Citizen Science Partnerships
- Citrus Australia - NSW
- Coffs Banana Growers Association
- Coles Supermarkets
- Community and Public Sector Union NSW
- Conference of Asia Pacific Express Carriers
- Conservation Council ACT
- Costa Group
- Cotton Australia
- Cotton Research and Development Corporation
- Council of Australasian Weed Societies
- Council’s Unite For Pets (CUPS), Camden Council
- Country Women’s Association of Australia
- CRC Forestry
- CRC Plant Biosecurity
- CRC Pork
- CRC Poultry / PoultryHub
- CRC Sheep
- Crookwell Potato Association
- Crop Consultants Australia
- Croplife Australia
- CSIRO Marine Research
- Custard Apple Australia Inc
- Dairy Australia
- Dairy Connect NSW
- Dairy Goat Society NSW
- Dairy Goat Society of Australia
- Dairy NSW
- Damara Sheep Breeders Society of Australia Inc
- Deer Industry Association of Australia
- DHL Express
- Dogs NSW
- Dorper Sheep Society of Australia Inc – Eastern Region
- Dried Fruits Australia
- Eastern Riverina Noxious Weeds Advisory Group (Wakool Council)
- ECOfishers NSW
- Ecological Consultants Association of NSW
- Ecological Society of Australia
- Emergency Services NSW
- Environment Protection Authority
- Environmental Defenders Office NSW
- Environmental Justice Australia
- Equestrian Australia/NSW
- Equine Veterinarians Australia
- Export Council of Australia
- Far North Coast Dairy Industry Group
- Fauna and Marine Parks Association
- Fertilizer Industry Federation of Australia
- Finch Society of Australia
- Fisheries Research and Development Corporation
- Fleming's Nurseries Pty Ltd
- Fletchers International Ltd
- Flower Growers Group of NSW
- Foodbank Australia
- Forest and Wood Products Australia Ltd
- Forestry Corporation of NSW
- Foundation for Australian Agricultural Women
- Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife
- Fresh Produce Safety Centre Australia & New Zealand
- Freshwater Native Fish Association
- Frog and Tadpole Study Group of NSW
- Future Farmers Network
- G J FOOD The Fine Food Connection
- Game and Pest Management Advisory Board
- Goat Industry Council of Australia
- Goodman Fielder
- Grain Producers Australia
- Grain Research & Development Corp (GRDC)
- Grain Trade Australia
- Graincorp Limited
- GrainGrowers Limited
- Grains Industry Market Access Forum
- Grains Research and Development Corporation
- Grassland Society of NSW
- Greater Sydney Local Land Services
- Greening Australia
- Greenpeace Australia
- Greyhound Breeders, Owners and Trainers
- Greyhound Racing NSW
- Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission
- Griffith and District Citrus Growers
- Guyra District Potato Growers Association
- Harness Racing Australia
- Harness Racing NSW
- Hawkesbury Herpetological Society
- Hawkesbury River County Council
- Hazelnut Growers of Australia
- Holbrook Landcare
- Holstein Australia
- Honey Packers and Marketers Association
- Hort Innovation
- Hunter Local Land Services
- Hunter Regional Weeds
- Hunter Thoroughbred Breeders Association
- Hy Line Australia Pty Ltd (Specialised Breeders)
- Illawarra Reptile Society
- Inghams Enterprises
- Institute of Australian Consulting Aboriculturists
- International Livestock Resources & Information Centre
- Invasive Species Council
- Irrigation Australia Limited
- Jarakad Pty Ltd
- JM Hindmarsh - Camden Saleyards
- Keep Australia Beautiful
- Koi Society of Australia
- Land and Water Commissioner
- Landcare Australia
- Langfield, Brett
- Lion Pty Limited
- LiveCorp
- Livestock Contractors Association
- Livestock, Bulk and Rural Carriers Association of New South Wales
- Local Government NSW
- Local Land Services
- Local Land Services - South East
- LPC Trading
- Ludwig Lawyers
- Luv-a-Duck
- Macarthur Herpetological Society
- Macquarie University and Bushfires & Natural Hazards CRC
- Mainstream Aquaculture
- Malfoy's Gold / Natural Beekeeping Australia
- Manildra Group
- Master Dog Breeders Association (MDBA)
- Meat & Livestock Australia
- Medical Technology Association of Australia
- Medicines Australia
- Minerals Council of Australia
- Mobile Wildlife Educators Association
- Mohair Australia Ltd
- Mulwarra
- Murray Dairy
- Murray Local Land Services
- Murray Valley Winegrowers
- Murray-Darling Basin Authority
- Murrumbidgee Landcare
- Nambucca Banana Growers Association
- Narrabri Fish Farm
- National Association of Testing Authorities Australia
- National Cutting Horse Association
- National Farmers Federation
- National Finch and Softbill Association
- National Health and Medical Research Council
- National Herbarium of NSW
- National Irrigators' Council
- National Parks and Wildlife Service
- National Parks Association of NSW
- National Parks Australia Council
- National Residue Survey
- National Wine and Grape Industry Centre
- Native Animals Trust fund
- Natural Resource Commission
- Nature Conservation Council of NSW
- Nature Conservation Trust of NSW / Great Eastern Ranges Initiative
- New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council
- New South Wales Farmers Association
- Newcastle and Coalfields Racing Pigeon Federation
- Newly Weds Foods
- Norco Foods
- North Coast Herpetology Group
- North Coast Local Land Services
- North Coast Oilseed Growers Association
- North Coast Regional Landcare Network
- North Shore Vet Hospital
- North West Local Land Services
- North West Plains Sustainability Group
- Northern Slopes Landcare Association
- Northern Tablelands Local Land Services
- Northern Tablelands Wildlife Carers
- Novozymes Australia Pty Ltd
- Nowra Poultry Club
- NSW Aboriginal Land Council
- NSW Amateur Beekeepers Association
- NSW Apiarist Association
- NSW Apiarist Association - Metropolitan Branch
- NSW Aquaculture Association Inc
- NSW Arabian Horse Association Inc
- NSW Association of Agriculture Teachers
- NSW Audit Office
- NSW Boer Goat Breeders Association
- NSW Cane Growers’ Association
- NSW Cat Fanciers Association
- NSW Chamber of Fruit and Vegetable Industries / Freshmark
- NSW Cherry Growers Association
- NSW Chicken Meat Council
- NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers
- NSW Cross Border Commissioner
- NSW Dairy Goat Society
- NSW Endurance Riders Association
- NSW Fauna and Marine Parks Association Inc
- NSW Footrot Steering Committee
- NSW Free growers Horticulture Council
- NSW Landcare
- NSW Mango Growers’ Association
- NSW Marine Pest Working Group
- NSW Minerals Council Ltd
- NSW Ports
- NSW Stud Merino Breeders Association
- NSW Stud Merino Breeders Association
- NSW Weeds Officer Association Inc
- NSW Wildlife Council
- NSW Wine Industry Association
- NSW Working Stock Dog Association
- NSW Yard Dog Association
- Nursery & Garden Industry NSW & ACT
- Nursery and Garden Industry Australia
- Oakey Range
- Oakvale Wildlife Park / NSWFMPA
- OceanWatch Australia
- Olives New South Wales
- Pace Farms Pty Ltd
- Parrot Society of Australia (NSW) Inc
- Patricks Corporation
- Peasley Horticultural Services
- Pepe's Ducks
- Persimmons Australia Inc.
- Pet Food Industry Association of Australia
- Pets Australia
- Pfizer
- PIC Australasia Pty Ltd
- Pirovic Enterprises Pty Ltd
- Pistachio Growers Associated Inc.
- Plant Biosecurity Cooperative Research Centre
- Plant Health Australia
- Pony Club Association of NSW
- Port Authority of NSW
- Port of Newcastle
- Ports Australia
- Poultry Diseases Health and Biosecurity Solutions
- Professional Fishermen’s Association of NSW
- Protected Cropping Australia
- Pulse Australia
- Rabbit Breeders Association of NSW
- Rabbit Exhibitor & Breeders Society
- Rabbit Fanciers Society of NSW
- Rabbit Rescue Sanctuary
- Racing Australia
- Racing NSW
- Rail Track Association Australia
- Rainforest Rescue
- Raspberries and Blackberries Australia
- Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia
- Recreational Fishing Alliance of NSW
- Red Lea Chickens Pty Ltd
- Red Meat Advisory Council
- Redbelly Citrus
- Regal Mushrooms
- Registry of Wildlife Health
- Reptile Park
- Rice Extension
- Rice Growers Australia
- Rice Marketing Board NSW
- Ricegrowers’ Association of Australia - NSW
- Riverina Local Land Services
- Royal Agricultural Society of NSW
- Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust
- Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation
- Safe Sustainable Seafood
- SCIBUS Consultancy
- Scolexia Pty Ltd
- Scone Equine Group
- Seafood Services Australia
- Sheep Advisory Group
- Sheep Producers Australia
- Sheepmeat Council of Australia
- Shipping Australia Ltd
- Shoalhaven Reptile Club
- South East Local Land Services
- Stock Feed Manufacturers Association
- Strathfield Council
- Strawberries Australia
- Sub Tropical Dairy
- Summerfruit Australia
- Sunraysia Citrus Growers
- Sunrice
- Sydney Airport Corporation
- Sydney Dogs and Cats Home
- Sydney Exotics and Rabbit Vets
- Sydney Fish Markets
- Sydney Markets - NSW Chamber of Fruit & Vegetable Industries
- Sydney Metropolitan Wildlife Services
- Sydney Peri Urban Network
- Sydney Royal Agricultural Show Society
- Sydney Zoo
- Sydney Zoo /NSWFMPA
- Tamworth Regional Landcare Association
- Taronga Conservation Society Australia
- Taronga Wildlife Hospital
- Thoroughbred Breeders NSW
- Timber and Building Materials Association Australia
- Timber Communities Australia
- Timber NSW
- Tourism Transport Forum
- Transport and Logistic Centre
- Treildia
- Trentham Estate
- Turf Australia
- Turf Growers Association of NSW
- Turf NSW
- Tweed Shire Council
- Tweed/Brunswick Banana Growers Association
- University of New England
- University of New England - Centre for AgLaw
- University of Newcastle
- University of NSW
- University of Sydney
- University of Wollongong
- Veterinary Manufacturers & Distributors Association
- Veterinary Practitioners Board of NSW
- Vinehealth Australia
- Voice of Horticulture
- Western Local Land Services
- Western Plains Zoo
- Western Sydney University
- WetlandCare Australia
- Wild Dog Destruction Board
- Wilderness Society
- Wildflowers Australia
- Wildlife Disease Association
- Wildlife Health Australia
- Wildlife Rescue South Coast Inc
- Window and Door Industry Council
- Wine Australia
- Wine Grape and Olive Oil Growers Australia
- Winemakers’ Federation of Australia
- Wool Producers Australia
- Woolworths
- World Animal Protection
- World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
- Zoo and Aquarium Association

NSW and ACT biosecurity roundtable agenda
Schedule | Topic | Presenter |
8:45-9:00 | Welcome tea and coffee | |
9:00-9:05 | Item 1 Welcome | Facilitator/Host: Jo Laduzko, Assistant Secretary, Biosecurity Policy & Response Branch, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources |
9:05-9:20 | Item 2 Commonwealth update | Tim Chapman, First Assistant Secretary, Biosecurity Animal Division, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources |
9:20-10:00 | Item 3 Update and Workshop One: National Biosecurity Statement and Roles and Responsibilities | Bruce Christie, Deputy Director General, Biosecurity and Food Safety, Department of Primary Industries NSW and NSW National Biosecurity Committee member |
10:00-10:15 | Item 4 Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate, ACT Update | Wendy Townsend, Chief Veterinary Officer, Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate, ACT |
10:15-10:40 | Item 5 Biosecurity and Food Safety, NSW Primary Industries update and release of NSW State of Biosecurity Report | Bruce Christie, Department of Primary Industries NSW |
10:40-10:55 | Item 6: Morning tea | |
10:55 | Item 7 Introduction to the Information and advice source Survey | Alicia Zahmel, Assistant Director, Industry and Community Engagement Section, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources |
10:55 – 11:35 | Item 8 Future of biosecurity – surveillance, traceability and the Aerotropolis | Jenianne Hall, Director Innovation, Department of Primary Industries NSW Ben Somerville, DHL, Council member-Conference of Asia Pacific Express Carriers Kylie Bell, Executive Director – Industry, Trade & Investment, NSW Department of Industry |
11:35 – 1:05 | Item 9 Workshop Two: Topic: Preparedness and Response Table based exercises | Amber Parr, Director, Industry and Community Engagement Section, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources |
1:05-1:45 | Item 10: Lunch | |
1:45-2:15 | Item 11 How do the emergency response deeds work? | Claire Hollis, National Response Policy Section, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources |
2:15-3:45 | Item 12 Panel: Roles & responsibilities – now and emerging • Introduction to panel & outcomes • Commonwealth role in preparedness/ response • State role in preparedness/ response • Industry org role in preparedness/ response • Environmental org role in preparedness/ response • Questions to panel | Facilitator: Jo Laduzko, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Rick Hawe, Assistant Secretary, Inspection Services – East Branch, Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Bruce Christie, NSW Department of Primary Industries Michael Danelon, Nursery & Garden Industry NSW & ACT Andreas Glanznig, Chief Executive, Centre for Invasive Species Solutions |
3:45-4:00 | Item 13 Closing remarks | Bruce Christie, Department of Primary Industries NSW, Stephen Hughes, ACT government and Tim Chapman , Department of Agriculture and Water Resources representative |
4:00-4:30 | Item 14 Afternoon tea |
2018 Biosecurity Roundtable Program Calendar
Date | Event | Location |
11 April 2018 | South Australia Biosecurity Roundtable | Adelaide |
3 May 2018 | Environmental Biosecurity Roundtable 1 | Canberra |
7 June 2018 | Tasmania Biosecurity Roundtable | Hobart |
4 July 2018 | Western Australia Biosecurity Roundtable | Perth |
2 August 2018 | Victoria Biosecurity Roundtable | Melbourne |
30 August 2018 | New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory Biosecurity Roundtable | Sydney |
26 September 2018 | Northern Territory Biosecurity Roundtable | Darwin |
9 October 2018 | Environmental Biosecurity Roundtable 2 | Brisbane |
11 October 2018 | Queensland Biosecurity Roundtable | Brisbane |
29 November 2018 | National Biosecurity Forum | Canberra |
Next steps...
The Commonwealth Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and Biosecurity Tasmania, Department of Primary Industries, NSW and Biosecurity and Rural Services, ACT government would like to thank everyone who participated in the NSW and ACT Biosecurity Roundtable for their time and contributions. The discussions and ideas from the Roundtable will feed into the agenda for the National Biosecurity Forum and other biosecurity governance and communication processes through the NBC and other avenues.
We value your feedback – if you have suggestions about this roundtable or the roundtable program please contact us at Biosecurity Roundtable.
Phone 1800 068 468
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Twitter: @DeptAgNews
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