Comments to the Importation of freshwater ornamental fish: review of the biosecurity risks associated with gourami iridovirus and related viruses
(March 2009)
by Thailand Department of Fisheries (dated 19 May 2009)
Thailand Department of Fisheries (DOF) would appreciate the circulation of the draft IRA Report of the above title.
The DOF would like to comment as follows;
1) For “ 2.1 Hazard identification and refinement” page 7
1.1 Comment for removal; there are some uncharacterized iridoviruses that identified as hazard to the Australia such as
Angelfish iridovirus,
Cichlid iridovirus
Goldfish iridoviruses
Swordtail iridovirus
These uncharacterized viruses have not been fully investigated for their pathogenesis. Importantly, there is no report of the new isolation or finding of these viruses elsewhere. Therefore, these uncharacterized viruses shall not be identified as Hazard.
Guppy virus
This guppy virus has very little scientific information regarding to the effect to ornamental fishes. More information shall be needed for accessing the risk. Another point is that the guppy virus is belonging to Ranavirus. Scientists need accurate identification to differentiate this virus from EHNV.
1.2 General comment; the African lampeye iridovirus could transmit to the pearl gourami by experimental IP infection and cause 50% mortality (Table 12 page 52). The IP injection is not the natural route of viral entries. Scientists shall find out for the natural route of infection for African lampeye iridovirus against gouramis before saying that the gouramis are susceptible to the virus.
2) For “4.7 Diagnosis” page 55
General comments;
2.1 Aquatic iridoviruses (ranaviruses and megalocytiviruses) can be isolated using fish cell lines. However a rapid identification or differentiation of these viruses is difficult. If the six iridoviruses are still covered under the future IRA final report, we hope to see the practical technique to differentiate these viruses in scientific literatures or in the annexes.
2.2 Histopathology maybe use for presumptive diagnosis of megalocytiviruses. However we can not use this technique for ranaviruses.