From: Gilliland, John (PIRSA) []
Sent: Friday, 22 May 2009 11:37 AM
To: BA - Animal Biosecurity Contact
Subject: Comments on the Draft import risk analysis report for freshwater ornamental finfish with respect to quarantine risks associated with gourami iridovirus and other related viruses
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Draft import risk analysis report for freshwater ornamental finfish with respect to quarantine risks associated with gourami iridovirus and other related viruses.
PIRSA Fisheries generally supports the recommendations of this report, but notes that:
1 Proposed risk mitigation is based on a PCR that is not yet commercially available and that this may impact on importers ability to comply in the short term, and
2 Proof of freedom should be based on appropriate ongoing monitoring and / or consistent quarantine of disease free sites.
Thanks again for the opportunity to comment on this report.
John Gilliland