23 February 2022
Who does this notice affect?
Non- Bond Reporters of Self Assessed Clearance (SAC) consignments.
What has changed?
The purpose of this notice is to provide further advice about upcoming electronic system changes occurring within the Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE) and the impacts these may have on non-bond SAC Reporters. Ref: IIAN 11- 2022.
All new SACs lodged by the non-bond Reporters in the Integrated Cargo System (ICS) will be processed in the Import Management System (IMS) from Friday 25 February 2022 (excluding sea cargo SACs).
There are minimal changes for SAC reporters. All changes are listed below:
Agreement to Treat (ATT) forms:
When goods require treatment to manage biosecurity risks, Reporters will receive an email with an attached Agreement to Treat form. You will be required to complete the relevant sections to provide your consent to proceed with treatment or select an alternative option. You will then need to send the completed Agreement to Treat form by replying to the email or attaching to the email address provided on the Agreement to Treat form.
- Reporters will receive Agreement to treat (ATT) notice from the following departmental email address im-reply@awe.gov.au.
- Email subject line: <Interaction number> Agreement to Treat for <entry id/number>, <broker name, HAWB, Discharge Port>
- Please ensure that the emails from the following email address im-reply@awe.gov.au are received in your inbox (and not in spam folders).
- Please ensure you attach your Agreement to Treat (ATT) document and respond in the same email thread that you received from the department.
- Do not email the Agreement to treat (ATT) notice forms to treatments@awe.gov.au.
Non-bond air-freight entries in IMS:
- Reporters will receive a "finalised notice" to their nominated email address when goods are released from biosecurity control.
- Reporters will receive a "biosecurity direction" where goods need to be inspected or more documents are required to assess the level of biosecurity risk relating to goods. The biosecurity direction will be sent to the Reporter’s nominated email address. Reporters are to comply with each biosecurity direction by the due date nominated on the direction.
CSV reports for non-bond:
- Reporters who currently receive a csv report from SAC will now receive the csv report from IMS
- Sending email address: DoNotReply@aff.gov.au. Please ensure reports are received in your inbox (and not in spam folders).
- Email subject: SAC Report – <Region Name>-<Establishment Name (Establishment code)> - <DD MON YYYY> - <HH:MM> - <Region Name>Time
- The report contains the Self Assessed Clearance (SAC) assessment results at the time the report was generated.
- The report is not intended to replace the status that couriers receive from the Integrated Cargo System (ICS) and will not necessarily represent the current ICS status of consignments
Further information
For queries regarding the changes for non-bond SAC Reporters please contact the department on BIIS-IMS@awe.gov.au.