6 June 2018
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is of interest to importers (and their customs brokers) of plant products that are currently eligible for the Compliance Based Inspection Scheme (CBIS).
For a full list of products, please visit our CBIS website
What is changing?
Consignments excluded from CBIS include goods that are associated with additional biosecurity concerns, such as:
- Unpacked at a non-metropolitan destination or
- Presented with nil or unacceptable:
- Cleanliness declaration;
- Packing declaration;
- Treatment certificate; or
- Prohibited packing material declared; or
- Volunteered by the broker or importer
Currently the system does not exclude these consignments from being processed on CBIS however, a system upgrade scheduled for the 23 June 2018 as part of Automatic Entry Processing reform project will prevent consignments lodged with additional biosecurity concerns from being eligible for the CBIS.
Further information
Further information can be found on the Automatic Entry Processing reform website or you can contact the Compliance Testing and Intervention branch on Broker Accreditation, or telephone 1800 900 090.
For further information relating to CBIS, please contact imports@aff.gov.au (include ‘Tier 2 – CBIS’ in the subject line) or telephone 1800 900 090. A list of goods eligible for the CBIS can be found on our website including a list of excluded products.