"Australian Forest Profiles" is a series of brochures covering Australia's main forest types. They provide information on a wide range of economic uses and other values that forests hold for all Australians.
October 2019 Series
- Australia's forests – overview
- Acacia forest
- Callitris forest
- Casuarina forest
- Eucalypt forest
- Mangrove forest
- Melaleuca forest
- Rainforest
- Commercial plantations
August 2016 Series
- Australia’s forests – overview
- Acacia forest
- Callitris forest
- Casuarina forest
- Eucalypt forest
- Mangrove forest
- Melaleuca forest
- Rainforest
October 2008 Series
- Australia's forests PDF
[3.7 MB]
- Acacia PDF
[1.6 MB]
- Callitris PDF
[2.3 MB]
- Casuarina PDF
[1.9 MB]
- Eucalypts PDF
[3.3 MB]
- Mangroves PDF
[1.3 MB]
- Melaleuca PDF
[1.6 MB]
- Plantations PDF
[3.0 MB]
- Rainforest PDF
[2.1 MB]
June 2005 Series
- Australia's forests PDF
[1.4 MB]
- Acacia forests PDF
[1.0 MB]
- Callitris forests PDF
[1.0 MB]
- Casuarina forests PDF
[1.2 MB]
- Eucalypt forests PDF
[1.7 MB]
- Mangrove forests PDF
[1.0 MB]
- Melaleuca forests PDF
[0.9 MB]
- Plantation forests PDF
[1.8 MB]
- Rainforests PDF
[1.0 MB]
Original Series 1993 to 2020
- Tropical Rainforest (1993) PDF
[3.3 MB]
- Lancewood communities (1993) PDF
[4.1 MB]
- River Red Gum (1994) PDF
[3.6 MB]
- Softwood Plantations (1997) PDF
[3.6 MB]
- Cool Temperate Rainforest (1997) PDF
[3.7 MB]
- White Cypress Pine (1997) PDF
[5.9 MB]
- The Ash Forests of South Eastern Australia (2002) PDF
[0.4 MB]