In 2005, through the then Primary Industries Ministerial Council (PIMC), the Australian, state and Northern Territory governments, rural R&D corporations, CSIRO, and universities jointly developed the National Primary Industries Research, Development and Extension (RD&E) Framework to encourage greater collaboration and promote continuous improvement in the investment of RD&E resources nationally. In 2014, the new Agricultural Senior Officials Committee (AGSOC) was introduced as the principle coordinating body and the Research & Innovation Committee was installed as a standing committee to AGSOC.
The Purpose of the Framework
The National RD&E Framework improves productivity and Australia’s competitiveness in the primary industries sector by facilitating greater coordination among agencies to ensure harmonised roles within industry RD&E activities.
The Statement of Intent captures the intention of the Parties to work collectively and collaboratively to develop and implement the National RD&E Framework, and the underpinning of national sector and cross sector RD&E strategies. It outlines the principles of the National RD&E Framework as well as the roles and responsibilities for primary industries RD&E, and national approaches to primary industries RD&E. Further, it provides information on how the National RD&E Framework is monitored and evaluated as well as reviewed every three years.
The full document can be accessed via the National RD&E Framework website.
Framework Outcomes
The purpose of the National RD&E Framework is to ensure that:
- Shared strategic directions and priorities are identified for national and sector level primary industries RD&E in Australia that enhance the productivity and resilience of Australia's primary industries;
- Research capability will more comprehensively and holistically cover the present and future strategic needs of stakeholders nationally;
- Public research capability will become more integrated, interdependent and specialised, and have larger critical mass with less fragmentation across the nation;
- Efficiency and effectiveness of RD&E will be improved and as a consequence returns on investment will improve;
- RD&E investment will improve the capability of the national system in priority areas and ensure effective and efficient use of resources, including infrastructure;
- The Parties will collaborate to retain and build capability in fields strategically important to their jurisdictions and industries;
- The national research capability will be an integral component of a wider innovation agenda, supporting development and extension; and
- Research undertaken in one location will be developed and extended nationally for primary industries.