The Australian Government has provided funding of $6.8 million to help incorporate voluntary greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions estimates and reporting ‘standards’ into GHG calculators and accounting tools. This is part of a package of measures announced in the 2024-25 Budget to help producers work towards a lower emission future. More information is available at the Improved GHG Accounting web page.
Stakeholders have raised concerns about the consistency of GHG calculators and the costs of updating them to reflect changes to Australia’s National Greenhouse Accounts. We recently called for expressions of interest (EOIs) to provide more consistent application of the standards in on-farm calculators, ensuring robust GHG estimates for producers and their advisors. This could also help businesses along the supply chain and financial institutions who are looking for farm-level data.
Expressions of interest and grant opportunity
The call for expressions of interest (EOIs) was the first step toward the Australian Government awarding a grant to an applicant. The purpose of the EOI is to select respondents to apply for funding through a closed competitive grant process.
The call for EOIs closed on 23 December 2024.
All EOI respondents will be advised about the outcome of the call for EOIs in the first quarter of 2025.
Being invited to apply for a grant after the EOI does not guarantee that the applicant will receive funding.
EOI guidelines
The EOI guidelines explain the program objectives, how to make a submission, eligibility criteria, and the assessment process. The call for EOIs has now closed.
Expression of interest guidelines to improve consistency of on-farm emissions estimates (PDF 397 KB)
Expression of interest guidelines to improve consistency of on-farm emissions estimates (DOCX 837 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
Questions and answers
These questions and answers are an addendum to the EOI guidelines in response to questions DAFF received.
How will the product funded through the grant process differ from existing greenhouse gas accounting platforms?
A primary objective of the program is to support adoption and consistent incorporation of forthcoming voluntary emissions estimation and reporting ‘standards’ for agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries (standards) into third-party greenhouse gas (GHG) accounting tools and calculators.
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) is drafting the voluntary standards. As such, no existing calculators or tools would currently meet this objective.
Some existing calculators already use the Greenhouse Accounting Framework (GAF) tools. Stakeholders have raised concerns about the cost of updating GHG tools and calculators to reflect annual changes to national accounts. There are also costs associated with periodic updates to the GAF tools. The product funded through this program is expected to make it easier and cheaper for third-party GHG accounting tools and calculators to incorporate and maintain consistency with the GAF tools while the standards are being developed.
How will the product developed by the grantee interact with producers and third-party emissions accounting tools?
The product is not intended to compete for market share. The grant will fund a product to make it easier and cheaper for new and existing third-party GHG accounting tools and calculators to incorporate the standards once available, and the GAF tools in the meantime.
In relation to producers, EOI respondents should provide an overview of how their proposed approach and methodology would support producers to know and understand their business’s net emissions profile.
An interface for direct use by producers is not a requirement of the proposed product. Page 8 of the EOI guidelines asks respondents to address “whether the product will be available via a user interface... or only through the platforms of those third-party tools and calculators”.
However, EOI respondents may choose to offer such an interface as a value-add to their proposal. For example, EOIs may provide for the inclusion of a user interface (new or existing) that supports producers to know and understand their business’s net emissions profile, in addition to providing a product freely accessible to third-party online emissions accounting tools and calculator providers.
Is the call for EOIs seeking a back end (application programming interface) product that can be delivered freely to third-party GHG calculators and tools?
Updated on 13 December 2024
The EOI guidelines do not specify the mechanism or product to be used to achieve the program aims and objectives. An application programming interface could be one approach. The department invites EOI respondents to explain how their proposed mechanism or product would support adoption and consistent incorporation of the forthcoming voluntary standards into third-party GHG accounting tools and calculators (noting that, in the meantime, the mechanism should facilitate consistent incorporation of the Greenhouse Accounting Framework Tools into third-party GHG accounting tools and calculators.) One of the program’s primary objectives is to “provide a product that is freely available to third-party GHG accounting tool and calculator providers”.
What type of value-add products or services can be proposed?
EOIs may incorporate any value-add products or services that could help achieve the program aims and objectives. For example, page 2 of the EOI guidelines includes an objective to “Improve producer and farm adviser access to GHG accounting tools to increase the proportion of producers that know and understand their business’s net emissions profile”.
Who will the grant recipient be expected to engage with?
The grant recipient (as determined by the EOI and grant process) is expected to provide a product that will support adoption and consistent incorporation of the forthcoming standards into third-party GHG accounting tools and calculators. While the standards are being developed, the product should support adoption and consistent incorporation of the GAF Tools into third-party GHG accounting tools and calculators.
The EOI should include information about how risks associated with the transition from the GAF Tools to the standards will be identified, managed and mitigated.
Are any certification or audit elements required within the expressions of interest?
The EOI Guidelines do not require a certification-type program for the product.
How many grants will be awarded?
Updated on 18 December 2024
One grant will be made to one grant recipient (as determined by the EOI and subsequent grant process).
Lead organisations may submit multiple EOIs for consideration. Each EOI will be individually assessed against the eligibility criteria and selection criteria set out in the EOI guidelines.
There is no cap on the total cost of the proposal that is funded from other eligible sources.
Are EOIs required to include development of guidelines or frameworks to support delivery of their proposal?
Updated on 13 December 2024
The EOI guidelines do not specifically request that associated guidelines or frameworks be developed to support the proposal. However, EOI respondents may choose to incorporate development and/or application of guidelines or frameworks into their proposal to address the selection criteria (section 5.1), EOI considerations (section 3.2) or as a value-add service or product to complement the program aims and objectives.
Are the same resources permitted to be included in multiple EOIs?
Updated on 18 December 2024
Yes. EOI respondents are best placed to determine their organisation’s capacity, capability and resources to deliver on the program aims and objectives. This includes any personnel with relevant experience and expertise.
How is the product expected to be updated over time?
The grant recipient (as determined by the EOI and subsequent grant process) is expected to provide a product that will support adoption and consistent incorporation of the forthcoming standards into third-party GHG accounting tools and calculators. While the standards are being developed, the product should support adoption and consistent incorporation of the GAF Tools into third-party GHG accounting tools and calculators.
EOI respondents are asked to consider and address how product updates will be managed to ensure it aligns with the forthcoming standards, and in the meantime the GAF Tools. The frequency of updates to the standards has not yet been determined.
We will facilitate engagement with the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) to support incorporation of the forthcoming standards into the grantee’s product.
For questions on the call for EOIs or grant, email