The Department of Agriculture maintains this list of Australian standard diagnostic techniques (ASDTs) that were published in 1993. Some of these ASDTs have been superseded by Australian and New Zealand standard diagnostic procedures (ANZSDPs).
- Aflatoxicosis
- Akabane disease
- Annual ryegrass toxicity
- Anthemintic resistance in sheep
- Avian encephalomyelitis
- Avian influenza (superseded by ANZSDP Avian influenza)
- Avian mycoplasmosis
- Avian reticuloendotheliosis
- Bluetongue
- Bovine brucellosis: bacteriology
- Bovine brucellosis: serology
- Bovine campylobacteriosis (superseded by ANZSDP Bovine genital campylobacteriosis)
- Bovine ephemeral fever
- Bovine mastitis
- Bovine trichomoniasis (superseded by ANZSDP bovine trichomoniasis)
- Bovine tuberculosis: immunodiagnosis
- Caprine arthritis-encephalitis
- Chlamydiosis in birds, wild and domestic animals (superseded by ANZSDP chlamydial infection in birds and animals)
- Contagious equine metritis (superseded by ANZSDP contagious equine metritis)
- Elaphostrongylus in deer
- Enterotoxaemia in sheep, goats and cattle
- Equine babesiosis
- Equine infectious anaemia
- Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae infection
- Infectious bronchitis
- Infectious bursal disease
- Infectious laryngotracheitis
- Leptospirosis (superseded by ANZSDP leptospirosis)
- Listeriosis
- Mannosidosis
- Newcastle disease
- Ovine brucellosis
- Ovine campylobacteriosis (superseded by ANZSDP Ovine campylobacteriosis)
- Ovine epididymitis
- Ovine footrot (superseded by ANZSDP ovine footrot)
- Pepsinogen activity
- Porcine parvovirus infection
- Pullorum disease
- Rotavirus infection
- Selenium nutrition
- Toxoplasmosis