AQUAVETPLAN is the Australian Aquatic Veterinary Emergency Plan. It is a series of manuals that outline Australia’s approach to national disease preparedness and proposes the technical response and control strategies to be activated in a national aquatic animal disease emergency.
The department manages the development and maintenance of AQUAVETPLAN manuals. The manuals are authored by Australian aquatic animal health experts with extensive stakeholder consultation. Each manual undergoes a formal endorsement process through government and relevant industry sectors. Manuals are prepared during ‘peace time’ so that the information is readily available in the event of an actual emergency.
AQUAVETPLAN manuals are working documents that are updated as required to ensure they take into account new research, experience, and emerging disease threats.
Disease Strategy Manuals
Finfish Diseases:
- Furunculosis
- Infectious Salmon Anaemia
- Piscirickettsiosis
- Viral Encephalopathy and Retinopathy
- Viral Haemorrhagic Septicaemia
- Whirling Disease
Crustacean Diseases:
Mollusc Diseases
- Abalone Viral Ganglioneuritis
- Ostreid herpesvirus-1 microvariant
- Withering Syndrome of Abalone (infection with Xenohaliotis californiensis)
Operational Procedures Manuals
Management Manuals
Key References
Guidelines to confirm or exclude non-viable genetic material as the cause of positive molecular test results for exotic pathogens of aquatic animals (PDF 252 KB)
Guidelines to confirm or exclude non-viable genetic material as the cause of positive molecular test results for exotic pathogens of aquatic animals (DOCX 52 KB)
If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for assistance.
For more information on AQUAVETPLAN please contact the Aquatic Pest and Health Policy section.