The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry aims to deal with complaints in a fair, equitable and non-discriminatory way.
This procurement feedback process only relates to procurements.
If you have feedback, suggestions or complaints relating to other functions including imports, exports, levies, inspections, or assessments, please complete our Client Feedback Form.
Process to lodge procurement feedback, suggestions or complaints
If you wish to lodge a dispute or complaint about a procurement process, you should write to the department’s complaints officer at You should provide details of the basis of your dispute or complaint including:
- a reference number for the procurement such as the 'ATM ID' on AusTender;
- a clear statement regarding the nature of your complaint (i.e. what you consider was defective in the procurement process);
- copies of, or references to, information to support the complaint;
- where applicable, a clear statement of which paragraph(s) of the Commonwealth Procurement Rules you believe has been breached;
- whether you intend the complaint to be a formal complaint under section 18 of the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018; and
- a statement as to what you wish to achieve from the complaint process.
You should also make yourself aware of the Department of Finance’s guidance which outlines the complaints process under the Government Procurement (Judicial Review) Act 2018.
Process for assessment
The Department will acknowledge receipt in writing within two (2) working days of receiving the complaint.
The nature of the complaint will determine subsequent processes. However, each complaint will be investigated and the department will communicate the anticipated timeframe for the investigation and resolution process.