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Department of Agriculture, September 2019
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Canberra Environmental Biosecurity Roundtable Summary Report 2019 PDF
2.0 MB
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Weekly Australian Climate,
Water and Agricultural Update
Key issues
During the week ending 18 August 2021, high pressure systems dominated southern Australia, resulting in little rainfall across much of the continent. Cold fronts brought rainfall to western Tasmania and parts of…
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This webpage contains information reproduced from the Australian Standard AS 1604 series, produced with permission from SAI Global under licence agreement 0907-c133. Public users may view this document and may make one hard copy for personal use, but may not reproduce it for other parties in…
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Exponential advances in digital technology, automation, genetics, and synthetics will disrupt and change how food and fibre products are made, marketed, and delivered. Production systems, supply chains, and customer engagement will become more agile and interconnected…
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Opinions included in the material appearing on this website do not necessarily represent those of the Wildlife Exotic Disease Preparedness Program, the Department or the Australian Government.
The Wildlife Exotic Disease Preparedness Program (WEDPP) was a joint program involving the Australian…
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Date of Issue: 28 July 2011
Date of Effect: 26 July 2011Country: Euopean Union
Compliance with the requirements for residue monitoring of aquaculture products under Council Directive 96/…
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IntroductionRabies is a zoonotic viral infection that causes a fatal encephalitic disease. It is a significant animal and public health issue in affected parts of the world.Rabies in animals is…
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The Australian honey bee industry is composed of about 29,690 registered beekeepers. Around 2000 of these are considered to be commercial apiarists, each with more than 50 hives (average 400 – 800 hives).The European honey bee contributes directly to the Australian economy. The industry produces…
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Opinions included in the material appearing on this website do not necessarily represent those of the Wildlife Exotic Disease Preparedness Program, the Department or the Australian Government.
The WEDPP is a joint program involving the Australian Government and state and territory governments…
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IMPORTANT—you can lodge your tea tree oil return online.
Please be aware that you will need to include levy payer information as part of your return for transactions from 1 January 2023. The type of information you will need to provide is described under the heading ‘What must be included in my…
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