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DownloadNRS 2022-23 Industry brochure: Sheep - English (PDF 800 KB)NRS 2022-23 Industry brochure: Sheep - Arabic (PDF 331 KB)NRS 2022-23 Industry brochure: Sheep - Chinese (PDF 382 KB)NRS 2022-23 Industry brochure: Sheep - Hindi (PDF 446 KB)NRS 2022-23 Industry brochure: Sheep - Japanese (PDF 381…
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This notice replaces notice 2013-09, issued 12/04/13.
Date of notice: 30/11/13
Date of effect: immediate
This document provides information to industry on the requirements for transfer of export eligible meat, dairy, fish and egg products.
Requirements for transfer of…
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Important—you can lodge your ratite slaughter return online.
The ratite slaughter levy was first introduced 1 July 1997. Ratites that are slaughtered at an abattoir that are intended for human consumption will attract the ratite slaughter levy. The National Residue Survey (NRS) is responsible…
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Victorian Community Pest Management Groups
A partnership between four Victorian Community Pest Management Groups has received a 2022 Australian Biosecurity Award in the Community category.
The four voluntary Community Pest Management Groups (CPMGs) formed a partnership with Agriculture Victoria…
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Australia has handed over 500,000 doses of lumpy skin disease (LSD) vaccines to Indonesia as part of the Australian Government’s work to fight exotic animal diseases before they reach our shores.
The vaccines are part of 1 million doses the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry is…
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The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry manages 5 tariff rate quotas put in place by the Australia-India Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement (AI-ECTA), including an annual quota for cotton of 51,000 tonnes.
Access to the quota will be administered via an allocation system and a…
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First points of entry (FPOE) are locations where aircraft and goods that are subject to biosecurity control are permitted to arrive. To be an FPOE, landing places must meet certain requirements.When the Biosecurity Act commenced in June 2016, existing landing places were issued temporary…
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March 2024DownloadAustralian Government response to the Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee report: Inspector-General of Live Animal Exports Amendment (Animal Welfare) Bill 2023 (PDF 195 KB)If you have difficulty accessing these files, visit web accessibility for…
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Peter Martin, Caroline Levantis, Walter Shafron, Paul Philips and James FrilayFarm debtDebt is an important source of funds for farm investment and ongoing working capital for the broadacre and dairy industries. This is because…
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Authors: Ahmed Hafi, Jenny Eather and Graeme Garner
Scrapie could threaten Australia's sheep meat exports, valued at $2.5 billion in 2015–16
This ABARES report presents estimates of the economic impact of a hypothetical outbreak of scrapie in Australia's sheep and goat…
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