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31 March 2010
This Biosecurity Australia Advice announces…
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11 July 2019PurposeThis Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to notify industry that the exchange of electronic phytosanitary certificates with the Republic of the Philippines will commence on 6 August 2019.…
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Date of Issue: 23 February 2016Date of Effect: ImmediateAttention:
Industries - Seafood
Department of Agriculture and Water Resources - Central and Regional…
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Authors: Drs Jay Gomboso and Donkor Addai
Growing global concerns over the rise in antimicrobial resistance in both humans and animals has led to some countries responding by tightening regulations on the use of antimicrobials for growth promotion, disease prevention purposes and…
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The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry regulates the movement of all vessels, goods and passengers from the Torres Strait under the Biosecurity Act 2015.
This includes the monitoring of vessels arriving on mainland Australia from designated biosecurity zones in the Torres Strait,…
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Carp are one of the country’s most devastating pests and dominate the Murray Darling Basin, making up to 80 to 90 per cent of fish biomass. Carp impact freshwater ecosystems across Australia, with significant negative effects on water quality, the amenity value of our freshwater environments and…
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The latest ABARES Snapshot of Australian agriculture shows the industry continues to grow and perform strongly in a number of key areas including exports, incomes and risk management.
Industry production and export values are forecast to hit record levels in 2022-23, with broadacre and dairy farm…
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Hitchhiker pests are not native to Australia and have a specific biology or behaviour that allows them to ‘hitch a ride’ to Australia via sea containers, imported goods and other forms of transportation.
As concerns surrounding the international movement of hitchhiker pests via sea containers rise…
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This Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to to provide updated advice to food processing and storage facilities handling product for export to China on how to access their Chinese issued registration number issued by the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC).
Key points
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New plant export legislation commenced on 28 March 2021. The new export legislation consists of the Export Control Act 2020 and the Export Control Rules 2021. The Export Control (Plants and Plant Products) Rules 2021 (Plant Rules) set the specific requirements for the export of plants and plant…
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