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24 April 2008
Biosecurity Australia
Mr John Cahill
Chief Executive
Mr Tony Heidrich
Chief Executive…
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The Australian Government is working with our Pacific neighbours to improve trade and biosecurity in the region. We are better together and can achieve more this way.
Together we can:
stop the spread of pests and diseases
maintain, and expand market access opportunities
secure sustainable…
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Export Industry Advice notices 2015
DateNumberDescription24 December 20152015-71
Grain and Seed Export Program – Change to Exporters Declaration Statement for…
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Publication detailsDepartment of Agriculture and Water Resources, October 2018This report details food that was found to fail under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme during the month. For full data on activity and compliance under the Scheme refer to the six monthly Imported Food Inspection…
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6 October 2020
Who does this notice affect?
International travellers, international vessel masters and their agents, and Australian importers and overseas exporters of high-risk plant products sent via international mail (including items posted using Express Mail Service).
What has changed?…
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In 2019 the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment and its partners marked 30 years of continuous operations under the Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy (NAQS). The NAQS initiative commenced in July 1989, initially as a 3-year trial focussed on early detection of incursions of…
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24 July 2020
Who does this notice affect?
All biosecurity industry participants and food importers who have premises that departmental officers may attend (for inspections, audits, surveillance or other purposes).
What has changed?
Biosecurity industry participants and food importers are being…
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23 July 2018Who does this notice affect?Clients in the import and shipping industries—including freight forwarders, importers and customs brokers—associated with importing goods that require increased…
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From: Peter Henchman []
Sent: Monday, 4 July 2011 4:54 PM
To: BA - Plant Biosecurity Contact
Subject: Review of fresh apple fruit from New Zealand
This is a submission in…
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14 October 2015Purpose To advise Australian exporters that the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) has lifted the ban on the import of Australian lentils for consumption to the Kingdom of Saudi…
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