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Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment, November 2021
Australian Government response to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties Report 197: Minamata Convention on Mercury [PDF - 137 KB]
The Government thanks the Committee for its consideration of the Minamata…
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21 August 2024Who does this notice affect?Approved arrangements operators, customs brokers, importers, manned depots, and freight forwarders who reset their password through the Biosecurity Portal using the ‘Sign in with your email address to access’ (‘Other User’) login method.InformationThis is a…
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27 August 2024 Who does this notice affect? Businesses and individuals involved in the logistics pathway for imported shipping containers (especially Country Action List containers) including stevedores, sea freight depots, empty container parks, shipping lines, shipping agents, customs…
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14 October 2024PurposeThis Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to advise of changes to India’s import requirements for fresh citrus and blueberry fruit exports to India. Summary of changes and key pointsCitrus consignments for export to India can now be treated with pre-shipment (onshore) cold…
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Meat & Livestock Australia and LiveCorpVietnam is Australia’s second-largest live export market for beef cattle and has imported almost 2 million head in the last decade.Over this time, local supply chain partners and government representatives from both countries have developed strong…
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18 December 2024Who does this notice affect?All parties reporting low-value goods (AUD $1000 or less in value) in the Integrated Cargo System (ICS).What has changed?Notices of Liability and subsequent invoices will be issued to all liable reporters in January 2025 for the October to December 2024…
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Australian thematic contexts, themes and sub-themes of outstanding universal value identified by the Panel are summarised below:
Thematic Context: `An Ancient Land'
The `Ancient Land' thematic context…
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2.1 Identification of Australian thematic contexts and themes of outstanding universal value (Step A)
2.2 Future development of the themes and sub-…
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20 October 2021
Who does this notice affect?
Biosecurity industry participants of approved arrangement sites that operate class 1.2 air cargo terminals
What is the purpose of this industry advice notice?
To invite industry feedback on the proposed revised approved arrangement class 1.2…
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Biosecurity Matters
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Biosecurity is the management of the risk of pests and diseases entering, emerging, establishing or spreading in Australia and causing harm to animals, plants or human…
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