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On 26 October 2023, the Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (AFF) joined the Minister for Trade and Tourism to announce the Australian Government has negotiated better access for Australian wine exports to Thailand.
Australian wine exporters can now use the Asia-Pacific Economic…
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We have completed a pest risk analysis for Pepino mosaic virus and pospiviroids associated with tomato seed.UpdateDe-regulation of Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (TCDVd) On 12 March 2024, we removed the specific pathogen testing measures for Tomato chlorotic dwarf viroid (TCDVd) from…
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Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, August 2018This risk analysis was initiated in response to a formal market access request from Taiwan for the importation of fresh decrowned pineapples to…
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Department of Agriculture and Water Resources, February 2019The factsheet provides an overview of the risk analysis for fresh avocado fruit from Chile.DownloadDocumentPagesFile size…
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All plants imported into Australia, regardless of end use, have the potential to become weeds in Australia. Having a system to screen new plant introductions for weed potential reduces the chances of new weeds entering Australia.
Since the 1800s, new plant species have been introduced into…
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Australia is one of the few countries in the world that remains free of rabies.
If rabies became established in Australia, the toll on human and animal health would be profound and the cost of response and elimination immense.
At least 60,000 people die from rabies each year, with the majority of…
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22 October 2009
Draft Import Risk Analysis Report for Fresh Apple Fruit from the United States of America Pacific Northwest States
This Biosecurity Australia Advice notifies stakeholders of the release of the Draft import risk analysis report for fresh apple fruit from the United States of…
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Invasive pests and diseases can cause crops to fail and livestock to die. This can destroy peoples’ livelihoods.
Australia has a rigorous biosecurity system. It protects our country, countries in our region and countries we trade with.
To prevent pests and diseases from entering Australia, we…
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All biosecurity requirements must be met before Imported Food Inspection Scheme requirements apply.Check our Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON) for import conditions.We classify imported food that presents a potential medium or high risk to public health as risk food. All risk food is…
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Australia’s barley and malt have made significant gains in Latin American markets over the past four years, driven by investments by industry and the Australian Government. This includes funding through the Australian Government’s Agricultural Trade and Market Access Cooperation (ATMAC) Program to…
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