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All biosecurity requirements must be met before Imported Food Inspection Scheme requirements apply.Check our Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON) for biosecurity import conditions.We classify imported food that presents a potential medium or high risk to public health as risk food. All risk…
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Biosecurity Matters
To receive an email notification of future editions, subscribe to Biosecurity Matters.
Biosecurity is the management of the risk of pests and diseases entering, emerging, establishing or spreading in Australia and causing harm to animals, plants or human…
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[expand all] Why was this review conducted?The review is required as part of Australia’s WTO obligations. Because a provisional quarantine pest status for Radopholus similis was recommended in the…
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I want to get goods out of the country
This tool will help you understand the steps for exporting goods out of Australia, and your responsibilities depending on your role in the export process.
The exporting process depends on the commodity you wish to export. Which commodity would you like to…
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18 June 2018 Who does this notice affect? All clients who will be required to use the Department’s Biosecurity Import Conditions (BICON) system during this planned maintenance period.Information Due…
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6 March 2018Who does this notice affect? All clients who will be required to use the Department’s Biosecurity Import Conditions (BICON) system during this planned maintenance period.Information Due to…
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6 June 2018Who does this notice affect? All clients who will be required to use the Department’s Biosecurity Import Conditions (BICON) system during this planned maintenance period.Information Due to…
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Who does this notice affect? All clients who will be required to use the Department’s Biosecurity Import Conditions (BICON) system during this planned maintenance period. Information Due to planned…
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10 March 2017Who does this notice affect?The following information is relevant to brokers who lodge import declarations in the Integrated Cargo System (ICS).PurposeTo advise brokers who lodge import…
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14 April 2020
Who does this notice affect?
All importers and customs brokers who will be required to lodge imported cargo documentation to the department for biosecurity assessment during this planned outage period.
All importers of plants, cats and/or dogs who will be required to use the Post…
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