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Government and industry share responsibility for managing the biosecurity risk associated with importing bulk grain. Risks are managed at each step of the import journey, from the offshore farm to the processing facility in Australia.
Find out how:
we assess the risks before issuing a permit…
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The Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry maintains a range of import requirements for a number of plant species to safeguard Australia against the bacterial plant pathogen, Xylella (Xylella fastidiosa).
About Xylella and its risk to Australia’s plant industries…
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Our Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON) was built by the department to manage biosecurity import conditions for over 20,000 products, including plant, animal, mineral, and biological goods. BICON helps you determine if a commodity is permitted under the Biosecurity Act 2015 by providing…
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23 December 2021
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is for all pet transport companies and importers of dogs to Australia.
What has changed?
Ehrlichiosis is a disease that affects dogs and is caused by a bacteria called Ehrlichia canis (E. canis). The disease is spread through infected…
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Types of plant products applied to soils and plants Plant products commonly applied to soils and plants include fertilisers, potting mixes, soil conditioners, bioremediation agents and…
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Publication detailsThis list is referenced in sections 6,16 and 23 of the Biosecurity (Conditionally Non-prohibited Goods) Determination 2021 (Goods Determination). It contains overseas authorities that the Director of Biosecurity considers competent to certify that biosecurity risks associated…
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21 March 2017
Who does this notice affect?
Importers of soil, articles containing soil, and water.
What has changed?
The Department’s Animal and Biological Import Assessments Branch (ABIAB) is currently undertaking an Import Conditions Review (ICR) to contribute to the delivery of a key…
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20 August 2018
Who does this notice affect?
All importers and customs brokers who lodge imported cargo to the department for biosecurity assessment.
What has changed?
Import industry advice notice 71-2018 issued on 10 July introduced the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources Highly…
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27 March 2019
Who does this notice affect?
Stakeholders in the import and shipping industries—including vessel masters, freight forwarders, treatment providers, Biosecurity Industry Participants, importers, customs brokers and principle agents— associated with importing goods that require…
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Australia is one of the few countries to remain free from the world’s most severe pests and diseases. Our agriculture and export industries benefit from our favourable biosecurity status.
There are many kinds of pests (such as thrips, mites and aphids) that can arrive on imported cut flowers…
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