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30 October 2017Who does this notice affect?Industry stakeholders including importers, approved arrangements, freight forwarders and brokers that deal with imported cut flowers and foliagePurpose To…
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25 January 2017Who does this notice affect?This notice is of interest to importers of timber and timber products and associated industry participants and retailers.What’s changed?As a part of the…
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19 January 2017Who does this notice affect?Industry stakeholders that deal with imported fresh fruit and vegetables, nursery stock (excluding tissue cultures) and cut flowers (perishables) consignments…
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The Australian Centre for Agriculture and Law
The Australian Centre for Intellectual Property in Agriculture
- Gene Technology fact sheet
Department of Health
Department of…
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It is a requirement of clause 45 of the Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) that a review of its implementation is undertaken every five years.
The purpose of the review is to assess progress against the milestones and commitments in the Tasmanian RFA, for the reporting period 2007-2012.…
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The Supplementary Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement was signed by the then Prime Minister, the Hon John Howard MP and the then Premier of Tasmania, the Hon Paul Lennon, MHA on 13 May 2005. The…
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The Tasmanian RFA Annual Meeting of Officials took place in Hobart on 16 July 2018. The meeting was attended by Senior Officials from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture and Water Resources…
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Tasmanian RFA: Tasmanian Government annual implementation reports
Tasmania RFA: Commonwealth Government annual Implementation reports
Tasmania RFA: First five year review…
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The Tasmanian Regional Forest Agreement (RFA) provides a framework for the sustainable management of Tasmania’s public and privately owned forests.
The Australian and Tasmanian governments signed the Tasmanian RFA on 8 November 1997. It was varied on 18 August 2017 to extend its life to 8 November…
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If you use or care about the forests of South East Queensland for whatever reason - for work, for recreation, or concern for the environment, you can have input to the RFA.Many Queenslanders have already…
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