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Post entry quarantine (PEQ)Making a reservation for post entry quarantine is a lengthy process that begins months in advance of the consignment entering a facility. Before starting to book a…
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Publication detailsDepartment of Agriculture, February 2017This user guide provides detailed information about Post Entry Biosecurity System functions. It includes screenshots, detailed instructions and…
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Construction of the new Post Entry Quarantine (PEQ) facility in Mickleham, Victoria has been completed.
Australia’s post entry quarantine operations have been consolidated, and all imported animals and plants now complete their post entry quarantine at the new facility.
You can…
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The risk to Australia
Weeds cost the Australian economy billions of dollars in control measures and lost income each year. They reduce agricultural production by competing with crops, introducing crop diseases and restrict our ability to trade internationally by contaminating crops and wool.…
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The risk to Australia
Plant diseases cost Australia millions of dollars each year as they reduce productivity, increase the cost of production, impact on our ability to trade both locally and internationally and adversely affect our environment and biodiversity.
Note: images are not to size…
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The Pine wilt nematode is a microscopic unsegmented worm that affects firs, cedars, larches, spruces, and especially pines. It is unlikely to affect Australian native trees, but it would be damaging to Australia’s forestry industry and amenity trees.
Pine wilt nematode is indigenous to North…
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Lesser auger beetle fact sheet PDF
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The lesser auger beetle is found in India, Asia, the Middle East and…
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Japanese sawyer beetle, also known as Japanese pine sawyer, is one of a number of pine-infesting
Monochamus longhorn beetles that attack stressed or recently killed trees. It is known to attack…
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The Asian longhorned beetle is native to southern China, Hong Kong, Korea and Japan. It has also become established in some parts of the USA, Canada and Austria.
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The risk to Australia
The Asian longhorned beetle is a wood-boring pest that usually targets…
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Key points
The Asian longhorn beetle is a wood-boring insect that usually targets hardwood trees, especially poplar.
The beetle attacks both healthy trees and stressed or diseased…
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