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15 February 2017The National Biosecurity Committee (NBC) met on 15 February 2017 in Melbourne, Victoria and welcomed New Zealand to its first meeting as a full member of the Committee. The Committee…
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6 October 2016
The National Biosecurity Committee (NBC) met on 6 October 2016. This meeting provided an opportunity to agree the Committee’s 2016-17 workplan (which has subsequently been endorsed by the Agriculture Senior Officials’ Committee).
The Committee congratulated relevant individuals…
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13 - 14 July 2016The National Biosecurity Committee (NBC) met from 13 - 14 July 2016 and considered the following issues:Review of the Intergovernmental Agreement on Biosecurity The committee discussed…
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DownloadDocumentPagesFile sizeNational Transition Program Policy Framework 6760 KBIf you have difficulty accessing this file, please visit
web accessibility.Online versionNational Biosecurity…
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Publication details
January 2015
Australians love seafood. We eat more and more of it each year. This is a good thing as fish are a healthy source of protein and essential fatty acids and are recommended as an important part of a good diet (Heart Foundation 2008; NHRMC 2013).
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Publication detailsDepartment of Agriculture and Water Resources, July 2018This publication sets out guidelines for assessing the biosecurity risk of genetic recombination and re-assortment of imported…
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Date: 19 March 2009
Title: Treatments after Permission to Leave for Loading has been issued
Species: Cattle and Buffalo
Country: South East Asia
File No: 2008/01295
Relevant to: AQIS live animal exports officers, livestock exporters, LiveCorp, AQIS accredited veterinarians—livestock…
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The Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program (ASQAP) is a government-industry co-operative program designed to assure the food safety of shellfish managed in accordance with its operational guidelines. The Australian Shellfish Quality Assurance Program Export Standards comprise…
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13 November 2014
Species: Feeder and slaughter livestock
Country: All
Relevant to:
Livestock exporters
Department of Agriculture Live Animal Exports Officers
LiveCorp and ALEC
To advise all exporters of amendments to the Export Control (Animals) Order 2004 (Order) that will…
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To provide licensed livestock exporters with clarifications about the requirements outlined in Export Advisory Notice (EAN) 2014-12: Risk management for export of livestock by air released on 6 August 2014.
On 6 August 2014 the department issued EAN 2014-12: Risk Management…
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