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Marine pests and diseases are great hitchhikers and readily attach themselves to hulls, internal water systems, damp spaces or to boating gear such as anchors, ropes and buckets. With more than one million recreational vessels in Australia, there are many opportunities for pests to…
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Australia is free from many pests and diseases found around the world.
Our animal, plant and human health rely on stringent controls and measures to manage the risk of these pests and diseases entering and becoming established in Australia.
This is known as biosecurity.
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The International Health Regulations 2005 defines pratique as “permission for a ship to enter a port, embark or disembark, discharge or load cargo or stores; permission for an aircraft, after landing, to embark or disembark, discharge or load cargo or stores; and permission for a ground transport…
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Plants on vessels, either on deck or within cabins, are a biosecurity concern as they can carry exotic diseases such as karnal bunt, guava rust and plum pox, and also harbour exotic insects.…
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Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, June 2023
This document provides the offshore oil and gas industry with guidance on Australian biosecurity management requirements for vessels, equipment and infrastructure entering Australian waters including vessels servicing these activities…
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The introduction and spread of marine species into and around Australian waters through biofouling, or in a ship’s ballast water, can harm fisheries, threaten healthy fish habitats and have widespread economic and health effects.
Marine pest biosecurity is an important part of the department’s…
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International vessels, aircraft, travellers and goods arriving at installations operating within or outside Australian territory represent possible pathways for exotic pests and diseases to enter Australia.
The department manages biosecurity control of all international arrivals into the…
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This information provides the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (the department) requirements for itinerant vessels with timber components and vessels being imported into Australia. This information is provided to ensure that the risk of introducing an…
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Current suppliers using a detector dog
Contact Person
Elders Pest Control Pty Ltd
Nola Elder
PO Box 3146 Helensvale Q 4214
1800 686 617
Please note…
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All military vessels arriving in Australia must undergo a routine vessel inspection by a biosecurity officer at their first point of entry into Australian territory (unless invoking sovereign immunity).…
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