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Some goods you buy overseas can carry a host of exotic pests and diseases. These can harm our environment and industries.
Avoid buying gifts and souvenirs that pose a risk to Australia. Also, be aware that some items you brought with you on your trip can get contaminated.
Make sure it’s allowed…
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The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has undertaken a project aimed at improving public understanding of the seafood industry and fisheries management. A key step was the…
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The amount of seafood (edible and non-edible) produced in Australia has steadily grown over the last decade to almost 300,000 tonnes per year. This growth is mostly driven by the expansion of prawn and salmon aquaculture and by increased tuna catch, as some wild stocks continue to recover.…
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State and territory regulations
While the Australian Government has a number of important functions in relation to aquaculture, state and territory governments have primary responsibility for regulating aquaculture in Australia.
If you are interested in starting an aquaculture business in…
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Australia collaborates with other aquaculture centres in the Asia Pacific region, which enables the sharing of resources, expertise and experiences.The Network of Aquaculture Centres in Asia-PacificThe…
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18 July 2013
This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the release of the Final non-regulated analysis of existing policy for Californian tables grapes to Western Australia.
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF) recommends that the importation of fresh table…
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20 June 2013
This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the release of the Final pest risk analysis report for the importation of fresh island cabbage leaves from the Pacific (Cook Islands,…
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24 April 2013Pest risk analysis (PRA)[expand all]Why has this PRA being undertaken?
The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry helps people and goods move in and out of Australia while…
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24 April 2013
This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the release of the Final pest risk analysis report for Drosophila suzukii. The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry (DAFF)…
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Release of the Final report for the non–regulated analysis of existing policy for the fresh lychee fruit from Taiwan and Vietnam
16 April 2013
A non-regulated analysis of existing policy
Why was…
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