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Food safety and your obligations
Food licencing requirements vary from state to state. Farmers’ market organisers work with local government to ensure all stall holders meet their selling obligations and licencing requirements. Talk to your farmers’ market organiser if you require further…
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All Australians can contribute to maintaining Australia’s biosecurity status. There is an increasing notion that biosecurity is a shared responsibility between government, industry and the community, as suggested in the Beale review, 2008. Australians from all walks of life can contribute to…
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In 1999 all Australian fisheries ministers endorsed the “National Policy on Fisheries Bycatch”. The “Commonwealth Policy on Fisheries Bycatch”1 (bycatch policy) was released in 2000,…
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Thank you for your interest in the development of the revised Commonwealth Fisheries Bycatch Policy. The revised Commonwealth Fisheries Bycatch Policy (Bycatch Policy) was developed in consultation with key stakeholders and provides a framework for managing fishing-related impacts to bycatch…
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All food production activities have some level of impact on the environment. For commercial fishing, one of the most direct and visible impacts from the harvest of commercial fish species is the…
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The Department of Agriculture plays an important policy role in promoting the biological, economic and social sustainability of Australian fisheries, particularly those managed by the Australian…
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The Australian Fishing Zone (AFZ) was first declared in 1979. It covers Commonwealth waters—generally from 3 nautical miles to 200 nautical miles from the Australian coast. The AFZ is established through the Fisheries Management Act 1991. It relates only to the use or protection of…
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We have completed a review of import conditions for apiaceous vegetable seeds for sowing.
Implementation pause
We are reviewing the biosecurity status of pests considered in the review of apiaceous vegetable seeds for sowing, including consideration of new scientific information and…
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We develop policies that allow people to safely import plants and plant products into Australia.
Why we do risk analyses
When people want to import plants or plant products from overseas, we need to consider the biosecurity risks. Part of our analysis includes identifying the best ways to manage…
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Import conditions for avocados from New Zealand are available on the Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON), making the import of these goods possible.
A decision to import avocados from New Zealand into Australia is a commercial decision between an importer in Australia and a supplier in…
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