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A decision to import grain to Australia is a commercial decision between an importer in Australia and a supplier in the country of origin who can meet Australia’s import conditions.
Learn more about importing:
bulk grain for stockfeed and milling
processed grains for stockfeed
The following…
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The following list contains links to submissions received in response to the 'Release of the draft report for the non-regulated analysis of existing policy for ginger from Fiji '.
Australian Ginger Industry Association [3.1 MB]
Biosecurity Fiji - cover letter [200 KB]…
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1 Spring Street
GPO Box 4440 Melbourne
Victoria 3001 Australia
Telephone:(03) 9658 4000
Facsimile: (03) 9658 4400
ABN 42 579 412 233
DX …
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Cover Letter
Department of Primary Industries & Water
PO Box 303
Tasmania 7310
+61 3 6421 7634 Telephone
4 September 2008
Plant Biosecurity
Biosecurity Australia
GPO Box 858
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Office of the Director-General
5 Sep 2008
Ms Louise van Meurs
General Manager
Plant Biosecurity
Biosecurity Australia
GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT 2601
Dear Ms van Meurs…
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Thursday 4th September 2008
Plant Biosecurity
Biosecurity Australia
GPO Box 858
Canberra ACT 2601
Comment on Issue Paper on Apple Imports from China
Please find below my comments…
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Dr Colin Grant
Chief Executive
Biosecurity Australia
GPO Box 858
Dear Dr Grant
I refer to the release by Biosecurity Australia (BA) in July 2008 of the…
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There are three types of composite available for use in MCAS-S:
Manual (default):
Allows you to combine data layers using simple weightings. This is the simplest option to combine layers applying a single function to all layers such as adding, multiplying or finding the minimum or…
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B.A. Rodan 16 Passatt St
Encounter Bay
Victor Harbor 5211
Home Phone 0885524893
E Mail
15 July 2008
John Cahill
Chief Executive
Biosecurity Australia…
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The Australian apple and pear industry takes this opportunity to express to Biosecurity Australia its extreme disquiet over the proposal to import apples from China and particularly over…
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