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The Dynamic Land Cover Dataset addresses the need for a single, nationally consistent and complete land cover reference for Australia. This provides the first comprehensive and consistent national land cover information dataset. It will assist portfolio stakeholders to understand and respond to…
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16 May 2017This Biosecurity Advice notifies stakeholders of the formal commencement by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources of a review of the biosecurity risk of and the import…
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23 March 2017This Biosecurity Advice informs stakeholders that the Department has finalised a review of the importation of frozen bovine in vitro produced embryos from Canada and the United States.…
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MCAS-S Data Pack – Update 2022 released
The MCAS-S data pack – update 2022 supports the Multi-Criteria Analysis Shell for Spatial Decision Support (MCAS-S) software tool.
This package of nationally consistent Australian spatial layers at one-kilometre resolution contains publicly available…
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Steps to export a data layer
Select the layer you wish to export
Right click on the layer and select Export. An Export Classified Data window will appear;
Choose a simple new filename and enter other metadata details such as: a detailed description including any units, custodian, currency…
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By accessing the information presented in this media, each user waives and releases the Commonwealth of Australia to the full extent permitted by law from all liability for loss or damage arising from the use of, or reliance on, material or information made available through the system, whether…
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Torres Strait – Thursday Island (Waiben) Biosecurity Office
Street Address:
Ground Floor, Pearls Building
Victoria Parade
Waiben QLD 4875
Phone: +61 7 4212 0185
Northern Peninsula Area of Cape York
Phone: +61 7 4241 7952
Street Address:
Fitzroy Building
114, Catalina Crescent…
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National Office
Phone: +61 2 6272 4481
Email: Compliance
New South Wales
Phone: +61 2 8334 7589
Email: NSW Compliance
Phone: +61 7 3716 9109
Email: QLD Compliance
Northern Territory and Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9334 1590
Email: WA Compliance
South Australia,…
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Email: Food Imports
Brisbane, Queensland
Phone: 1800 900 090
Email: Qld Imported Foods
Cairns, Queensland
Phone: 1800 900 090
Email: Qld Imported Foods
Devonport, Tasmania
Phone: 1800 900 090
Email: Tas. Imported Foods
Hobart, Tasmania
Phone: 1800 900 090
Email: Tas. Imported…
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Statistical reports can be generated for regions (saved in the Mask folder), points (saved in the Overlay folder), and to report on two input data layers within MCAS-S.
To view more specific details of your map layers, first check that you have the correct target mask(s) selected, right-click the…
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