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The following documents relate to the import risk analysis for fresh salacca fruit from Indonesia2014/14
Description2014/1231 October…
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Mr Tom Aldred
First Assistant Secretary
Department of Agriculture
GPO Box 858
Dear Mr. Aldred
I refer to the release of the draft 'Review of policy: Import risk analysis report for fresh salacca (snake fruit) from Indonesia into Australia by the Department of…
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01 April2014
Subject: Indonesia's comments on Dr.1fr Import Risk Analysis Report for Fresh Salacca Fruit from Indonesia
Dear Mr. MAGEE.
Following on my previous letter with reference No. 1249/KT.020/L.3/02/2014 dated 13 February 2014, please find as attached Indonesia's comments on Draft…
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AUSVEG is the National Peak Industry Body representing the interests of Australian vegetable and potato growers. We represent growers around Australia and assist them by ensuring the National Vegetable Levy and the National Potato Levy are invested in research and development (R…
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The following list contains links to submissions received in response to the 'Release of the draft import rish analysis report for the non-regulated analysis of existing policy for fresh salacca fruit from Indonesia'.
[343 KB…
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What is salacca fruit?Salacca is a tropical fruit that grows from a very spiny, short stemmed palm. The fruit grow in bunches at the base of the plant. The individual fruits are the same size and shape…
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When considering granting a permit for the importation of fresh salacca (Salacca zalacca (Gaertner) Voss) fruit from Indonesia, the phytosanitary measures as set out in the Final import risk analysis…
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Import conditions for salacca from Indonesia are available on the Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON), making the import of these goods possible.A decision to import salacca from Indonesia into…
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21 June 201 1
245 Victoria Road
WANDIN North VIC 3139
Office of the Chief Executive
Biosecurity Australia
GPOBox 858
RE: Proposed Importation of Apples Ii'om New Zealand.
We wish…
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Our Ref: DEP 1/1
Your Ref:
Enquiries: Jeremy Hubble
20 June 2011
Cnr Rose & Brockman Streets
PO Box 1
Manjimup WA 6258
Tel: (08) 9771 7777
Office of the Chief Executive Fax: (…
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