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PEST: Spider mites, 3 Tetranychus species
IRA concludes unrestricted risk is VERY LOW
Probability of Entry
Likelihood estimate should be HIGH not MODERATE given NZ experience of ‘numerous’ events (based on PDI (2003) records).
PDI (2003) Pest and Disease Information Database…
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The following are absent from Tasmania, but not categorised for further consideration.
Criconema mutabile
Cricomella curvata
Cricomella ornata
Cricomella similis
Cricomella xenoplax…
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ATTACHMENT A: Insects and mites in Appendix A not considered further for Tas by the IRA.
common names
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The systems approach for Peach twig borer [Anarsia lineatella (PTwB)] will consist of orchard monitoring and treatment; fruit cutting in the orchard; fruit cutting in the packing facility; and the regulatory inspection.
Growers who plan to export apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums, or their…
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The following list contains links to submissions received in response to the
Draft import risk analysis report for stone fruit from the USA.
StakeholderNew South Wales - Department…
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19 July 2010
Why is this import risk analysis (IRA) being undertaken?
Australia is responding to the USA's market access request for fresh stone fruit, dating from 1994. This is part of an agreement between Australia and the USA to consider each country's requests for agricultural exports.…
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Import Risk Analysis Appeals PanelFindings report fresh stone fruit from California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington provisional final IRA report
Introduction The Import Risk Analysis Appeals…
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Current status: Australia’s Director of Animal and Plant Quarantine has determined a policy for the importation of fresh stone fruit from California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington in the United States of America (USA).
The following list contains documents relating to the import risk…
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Import conditions for stone fruit from New Zealand are available on the Biosecurity Import Conditions system (BICON), making the import of these goods possible from certain countries.A decision to…
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Class 1. Conservation and Natural Environments1.1.0 Nature conservation1.1.1 Strict nature reserve1.1.2 Wilderness area1.1.3 Nature Park1.1.4 Natural feature protection1.1.5 Habitat/species management area1.1.6 Protected…
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