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Before you process an Australian grown raw log, you need to understand your legal responsibilities.
Illegally logged timber
It is a criminal offence to process an Australian grown log that has been illegally harvested.
If you believe the log may have been illegally harvested, you should not…
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If you export wood, pulp or paper products to Australia, you are not directly regulated under Australia’s illegal logging laws. All legal obligations sit with the businesses importing the goods into Australia.
However, your Australian customers may ask you for information about where the timber or…
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Under Australia’s illegal logging laws, a regulated timber product is a wood, pulp or paper product listed in Schedule 1 of the Illegal Logging Prohibition Regulation 2012.
When importing these products into Australia, you must do due diligence unless your product is exempt (see below).
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The Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry has developed updated guidance material to assist importers and processors of regulated timber products understand and meet your due diligence requirements under Australia’s illegal logging laws.
The Due Diligence Toolkit for importers and…
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This series of visualisations is based on the most recent agricultural census data collected by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) for 2015-16. The visualisations are designed to showcase the Agricultural…
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We are responsible for ensuring compliance with Australia’s illegal logging laws.
We also provide assistance to importers and processors seeking to better understand the laws and their responsibilities.
Significant penalties can apply if you:
import or process timber products that have come…
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Australia has a well-established institutional framework to support the conservation and sustainable management of forests. Forest policy in Australia is developed and implemented at the national, state and territory levels. State and territory governments have primary responsibility for forest…
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Australian forests, and the wood they produce, are an amazing and versatile resource.
Wood - the ultimate renewable (transcript) DOCX [25 KB]
Wood’s versatility
Australia’s forests are valued for their…
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Australia has a well-established forest management framework, guided by a National Forest Policy Statement and including policy and legislative instruments and codes of forest practice. This framework supports the…
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Technology and innovation is changing the face of Australia’s forestry industries.
Innovation and technology (transcript) DOCX [25 KB]
New ways to manage forests
Innovative technologies are helping the…
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