Boundaries of APLC area of operation
The boundaries defining the APLC area of operation were agreed upon by the Commissioners on the basis of where each species of locust was most likely to pose an interstate threat. The boundaries were defined by administrative districts and roads existing in the 1970s. The boundaries were accepted unchanged in the 2002 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Recent changes and amalgamations to local government and biosecurity administration areas in Queensland and New South Wales have resulted in the current APLC boundary following renamed districts and in some cases passing through administrative districts along previous boundaries.
Australian plague locust boundary
A southern and eastern boundary to the operations area was defined in four states.

Spur-throated and migratory locust boundary
The APLC carries out surveillance of spur-throated and migratory locust populations in the entire area shown in the Australian plague locust map above. However, any control of these species which APLC may undertake is generally conducted within a defined area in Queensland and New South Wales.
Queensland and New South Wales
APLC area of operation within each member state
Detailed version - APLC's area of operations within each state PDF [523 KB, 6 pages]