Nymph description 14 of 15
Nymph Description: Colour is usually dark brown though more mottled in later instars. The most distinctive feature of this species is a set of very short light coloured antennae that are only marginally longer than the longer axis of the eye. Most other species have antennae 2 or more times longer than the eye. Early instars have a pronounced white triangle on the side of the thorax and a white stripe on top of the femur. Later instars loose the triangle and gain a light distinct 'V' on top of the thorax. Rear femur is banded and the tibia are dark with two thin light bands.
Confusion with Australian plague locust and Austroicetes: The later instars have a similar shape and 'V' mark on top of the thorax that from the side may be confused with the 'X' mark of plague locust and Austroicetes nymphs (compare with Australian plague locust).
Unique features: The combination of very short light coloured antennae with the 'V' rather than 'X' mark on the top of the thorax.
Further information on this species: Description of adult