15 November 2019
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is of interest to importers of uncooked prawns and uncooked prawn meat products and associated industry participants and retailers.
What has changed?
As of 12 November 2019, trade in prawns and prawn products exported from Myanmar can resume. Myanmar’s Competent Authority (Department of Fisheries (Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation)) have provided written confirmation to the department that these countries can meet Australia’s enhanced import conditions.
Myanmar joins Argentina, Bangladesh, Brunei, China, Denmark, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Madagascar, Malaysia, Peru, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Thailand, United States of America and Vietnam as countries that have provided written confirmation to the department that they can meet the enhanced import conditions.
The department has written to the Competent Authorities in Canada, France, Japan, Mexico and Singapore and continues to work with these and other trading partners to ensure safe trade can resume with other countries.
Further information
The department will provide further Industry Advice Notices once Competent Authorities confirm in writing that they can meet the enhanced import conditions.
Enhanced import conditions can be found at Biosecurity advice 2017-12.
If you require further information please call 1800 900 090 or email Imports.
Biosecurity import conditions are available on the department’s Biosecurity Import Conditions database (BICON).