21 December 2018
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is of interest to importers, associated industry participants and retailers of pet food related goods, specifically rawhide chews for dogs derived from the hides/skins of bovine and/or porcine animals.
What has changed?
Due to the spread of African Swine Fever (ASF), the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has determined that current import conditions for rawhide chews derived from pigs for use as pet food is no longer consistent with Australia’s appropriate level of protection.
ASF is not present in Australia. An incursion of ASF in Australia would have significant impact on pig health and production. In addition, our access to economically important international markets would be compromised.
As a result of the spread of ASF, conditions for the importation of rawhide chews derived from pig hide or skin have been changed to appropriately manage biosecurity risk. The new conditions require either an official government veterinary certificate or manufacturer’s declaration to attest that, in addition to the current requirements, the hide/skin does not come from animals that were slaughtered as part of disease control measures.
If a manufacturer’s declaration is provided as evidence that the conditions are met, the goods will also be subject to mandatory gamma irradiation treatment (50 kGy) on arrival to Australia.
Changes will also effect importers of chews derived from bovine material, who will now be required to provide evidence that the goods are made from bovine hide/skin and are not pig hide/skin.
This change will affect commercial importers of pet food sent to Australia from overseas.
Contact information
If you require further information, please call 1800 900 090 or email Imports.
Import conditions are available on the department’s Biosecurity Import Conditions database (BICON).