7 December 2017
Who does this notice affect?
Importers of permitted vegetable seeds and pure peat consignments.
What has changed?
Since 29 August 2016, pure peat and permitted vegetable seeds have been included on a trial basis on the Compliance-Based Inspection Scheme (CBIS). The department would like to advise importers of these products that as of 15 December 2017, the trial will conclude and both commodities will no longer be eligible for the CBIS. Both products will still be permitted to be imported into Australia following the import conditions outlined in BICON.
The department would like to thank importers and brokers for their participation in the trial. Once the trial has concluded, the outcomes will be analysed by the department to determine if these commodities can be implemented onto the CBIS or a similar scheme.
Final reports will be emailed out to trial participants towards the end of December.
Further information
For further information please email Plant Import Operations (please include ‘Tier 2 – CBIS’ in the subject heading) or phone 1800 900 090.