3 November 2017
Who does this notice affect?
This notice is of interest to importers (and their customs brokers) of fresh citrus from Egypt.
What has changed?
This Industry Advice Notice is valid from 3 November 2017 until further advice is provided.
The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has completed an emergency review of the phytosanitary risks associated with importing fresh citrus from Egypt to Australia. Outcomes of this review are that there are additional interim measures for all citrus from Egypt. Additional interim measures include:
- A new additional declaration as per below:
“The citrus fruit in this consignment were produced in orchards that are free from citrus canker.”
- An increased inspection rate of 920 units on arrival.
The department will apply the additional interim measures described above for consignments currently in transit or being processed with the following phytosanitary certificate numbers: 370836, 567225, 566955, 370921, 370918, 370920, 370919, 370917, 370916, 566955, 370836, 391033, and 390952.
Consignments currently in transit, or being processed, that are not covered by the phytosanitary certificate numbers above will be put on hold pending updated assurance from Egypt.
BICON cases for citrus from Egypt will be updated with additional interim measures shortly.
Further information
For additional information you can email Plant Import Operations Branch at Imports or phone 1800 900 090.