24 March 2016
Who does this notice affect?
All clients currently lodging import documentation for biosecurity assessment via email.
For information
This information is following on from 17/2016.
To continue the departments approach in modernising and improving service delivery, clients will be able to identify and prioritise their lodgements when sending documentation to Import Assessment and SACNCC from 30 March 2016.
When sending an email to Import Assessment, the commodities and communication listed below will need to be specified in the email subject heading:
- Carnets – Place “Carnet” in the subject line of the email
- Military Consignments – Place “Military” in the subject line of the email
- Personal Effects – Place “Personal Effects” in the subject line of the email
- Ship Stores – Place “Ship Stores” in the subject line of the email
- Transhipment Requests – Place “Transhipment” in the subject line of the email
- Payments (subject to the above commodities) – Place “Payment” in the subject line of the email
- Imported Food Laboratory nomination forms – Place “Laboratory Nomination” in the subject line of the email
- Overtime bookings – Place “Overtime” in the subject line of the email
When sending an email to SACNCC, the commodities and communication listed below will need to be specified in the email subject heading:
- Perishable or Urgent consignments – Place “Urgent” or “Perishable” in the subject line of the email for consignments of live animals, airfreight perishables, non-refrigerated perishables, urgent medical supplies and Fumigation Reports
- Movement Advice for Animal Transport Equipment – Place “Animal Transport Equipment” in the subject line of the email
For all Full Import Declarations the Cargo Online Lodgement System (COLS) is to be used. Any documentation received that does not fit the above criteria, will be returned back unassessed and you will be advised of the correct channel to use.
Further information?
For more information on COLS please go to our website. A user guide, questions & answers and tips for using the system have been updated and are also available on our website. If you would like to provide feedback or have a question regarding COLS, please email us COLS transition.