10 August 2018
The purpose of this Industry Advice Notice (IAN) is to advise industry and Authorised Officers (AOs) of updates to the work plan Australian cherry exports to the People’s Republic of China to include relevant departmental policy and protocol requirements.
Summary of changes and key points
The work plan updates incorporate information related to:
- Guideline: Management of horticulture export accredited properties DOCX
[165 KB, 19 pages]
- Guideline: Audit of horticulture export accreditations PDF
[595 KB, 15 pages]
The following updates apply to Australian cherry exports to the People’s Republic of China:
- Recognition of the fruit fly pest free areas of the Riverland district of South Australia.
- Methyl bromide fumigation for the management of fruit flies.
- Amended cold disinfestation treatment schedules for Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) and Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata)
- The addition of a new quarantine pathogen of concern, Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV).
- Recognised systems approach for some pests of quarantine concern.
Work plans and protocols are available on the Manual of Importing Country Requirements (Micor) Plants website. To access these documents, you must be a registered Micor Plant user.
Exporter and AO responsibilities
Exporters, AOs and treatment providers must be aware of, and follow, the conditions detailed in the current work plan. The work plan is to be referred to in conjunction with the relevant instructional material on the Plant Export Operations Manual.
Contact information
If you have any questions regarding this IAN please email the Horticulture Exports Program.
Mr David Ironside
Assistant Secretary
Plant Export Operations Branch