15 April 2013
To inform plant export stakeholders, clients and industry of the removal of AQIS email addresses.
Effective 15 April 2013, any email addresses currently ending in ‘.aqis.gov.au’ will no longer be operational. The suffix to those email addresses will then be replaced with ‘.daff.gov.au’. An example of new email addresses is: name.surname@aff.gov.au.
A range of changes to the DAFF brand and corporate identity were released in November 2011, along with our new vision and strategic statement. These changes reflect our department’s shifting focus and priorities and give DAFF a stronger public face, unified identity and a stronger sense of common direction and purpose.
DAFF has moved its focus from quarantine at the border, to managing biosecurity risk across the continuum—offshore, at the border and onshore. The DAFF identity (rather than AQIS) better represents this shift to a broader biosecurity focus across the continuum.
If you have any further enquiries, please contact your regional DAFF office.
Kylie Calhoun
Assistant Secretary
Plant Export Operations